Browse Items (873 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Collection: Faculty Publications Page of 88 Next Page Sort by: Title Creator Date Added "A STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF SKY YOGA PRACTICES ON ENHANCING HAPPINESS AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS” NGM College Library "THE INFLUENCE OF SKY YOGA PRACTICES ON ENHANCING GRATITUDE AMONG NGM COLLEGE STUDENTS” NGM College Library THE IMPACT OF SKY YOGA PRACTICES ON ENHANCING HAPPINESS AND GRATITUDE AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS NGM College Library HARMONIZING ANCIENT TRADITIONS WITH CONTEMPORARY SCIENCE: EXPLORING THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS OF YOGA NGM College Library THE IMPACT OF STRESS ON BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS: UNDERSTANDING THE CONNECTION OF YOGA AND DIET IN MANAGING IT NGM College Library SWAMI VIVEKANANDA’S CONCEPT OF UNIVERSAL RELIGION NGM College Library EVALUATING THE SYNERGISTIC EFFECTS OF YOGA AND A PLANT-BASED DIET ON GLYCEMIC CONTROL AND INSULIN SENSITIVITY IN TYPE 2 DIABETES MANAGEMENT NGM College Library THERAPEUTIC ROLE OF YOGA INTYPE2 DIABETES NGM College Library Study on Recruitment & Selection of Man Power in Export Concern Located in Tiruppur District NGM College Library Impact of Stress in Multinational Banks in Pollachi Region NGM College Library Page of 88 Next Page Output Formats atom, csv, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2 Refine search Title Select...Manakkum Malligaiyin Vazhi “ Thooliyum Thottizhum” Unartthum uyirootamum unarvalumaiyumMulti Scale Convolution Global Pooling Neural NetworkNOVEL MULTISTAGE CONTENT BASED IMAGESTUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND AWARENESS ON DIGITALIZATION OF INSURANCE SECTORSTUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF COPPER IN INDIA"A STUDY ON CONSUMER AWARENESS AND SATISFACTION TOWARDS ONLINE ADVERTISEMENT""A STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF EYE EXERCISE (SKY YOGA) AND LAMP GAZING PRACTICE ON ENHANCING VISUAL FUNCTION AND WELL-BEING AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS”"A STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF SKY YOGA PRACTICES ON ENHANCING HAPPINESS AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS”"AWARENESS TOWARDS GOODS AND SERVICES TAX (GST) AMONG SMALL AND MEDIUM TRADERS – A study with special reference to Pollachi Taluk""THE INFLUENCE OF SKY YOGA PRACTICES ON ENHANCING GRATITUDE AMONG NGM COLLEGE STUDENTS”“CO-CREATION MODEL OF LEARNING, TEACHING & CURRICULUM – STAFF & STUDENTS AS PARTNERS TOWARDS NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL POLICY 2022”17 TH CENTURY WOMEN WARRIERS6G TECHNOLOGIES SECURITY REQUIREMENTS AND CHALLENGESA Comparative Study of Machine Learning Algorithms in Prediction of Heart DiseaseA Comparative Study on Lead Time Between Amazon and Flip KartA Comparative Study on Lead Time Between Amazon and Flip KartA Complete guide for cluster based networkA COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION OF MACHINE LEARNING IN IMAGE COMPRESSION TECHNIQUESA CRITICAL STUDY OF ADOLESCENT ALIENATION AND RADICALISATION IN FATHIMA BHUTTO’S THE RUNAWAYSA Deep Learning Approach for Real-Time Defect Classification in Skin DiseaseA Deep Multi Scale Convolution Global Pooling Neural Network Model for Identification and Classification of maize Plant DiseasesA DETAILED ANALYSIS OF THE DATA COMPRESSION TECHNIQUES IN IMAGE PROCESSINGA Kaleidoscopic study of Arundhati Roy’s The Ministry of Utmost HappinessA Method for improving the prognosis of cardiovascular disease based on ensemble classification TechniquesA New Approach for Hardware Control Procedure Used in Braille Glove Vibration System for Disabled PersonsA new opinion mining method based on M-cuckoo with M-cat and SVM with NB classification algorithmA NOVEL CLUSTER BASED EFFICIENT BROADCASTING PROTOCOL IN VANETsA NOVEL ENSEMBLE CLASSIFICATION TECHNIQUE METHOD TO IMPROVE THE PREDICTION OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASEA Novel Portable Executable Malware Detection Using Random Forest With Feature Set Generation Algorithm (Rf-Fsga)A Novel Portable Executable Malware Detection Using Random Forest With Feature Set Generation Algorithm (Rf-Fsga)A Novel Portable Executable Malware Detection Using Random Forest With Feature Set Generation Algorithm (Rf-Fsga)A Research Direction on Green Internet of Things Based Energy Efficient Smart CityA Review on Enhanced Crypto Security in Different Fields on Cloud Storage PlatformA REVIEW ON HEART DISEASE PREDICTION USING MACHINE LEARNINGA Review on Internet of Things and its ApplicationsA Review on Plants and Food Grains Disease Detection and Quality Checking using Image Mining TechniquesA Review on Robot Process Automation in Various Future Business IndustriesA SECURE PATH SELECTION METHOD FOR HIGHLY SECURE DATA TRANSMISSION IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKSA Selective reliable communication to reduce broadcasting for cluster based VANETA Self Organizing Map Approach for an Enhanced K-means Clustering AlgorithmA SMART AGRICULTURAL MODEL BY INTEGRATING IOT, MOBILE AND CLOUD BASED BIG DATA ANALYTICSA STUDY AND ANALYSIS OF RICE AND WHEAT PRODUCTION IN INDIA BASED ON SEASON USING MACHINE LEARNING CLASSIFICATION ALGORITHMSA STUDY OF CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN COIMBATOREA Study of Cryptography Encryption and Compression TechniquesA STUDY OF POLICYHOLDERS SATISFACTION TOWARDS VEHICLE INSURANCEA STUDY OF POLICYHOLDERS SATISFACTION TOWARDS VEHICLE INSURANCEA STUDY OF ROBOTIC VACUUM CLEANER USING RASPBERRY PiA study on SKY Yoga practice among womenA STUDY ON ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS PERCEPTION AND EXPERIENCE IN ONLINE LEARNING DURING THE COVID PANDEMIC SITUATIONA Study on Awareness and Challenges of Organic Products Among the Students with Reference to Coimbatore CityA study on Blended Learning a need of the dayA STUDY ON BRAND EQUITY TOWARDS REFRIGERATORA STUDY ON BRAND EQUITY TOWARDS REFRIGERATOR (With Special Reference to Pollachi Taluk)A STUDY ON BRAND PREFERENCE & BRAND SATISFACTION OF REFRIGERATORA Study on College Student’s Perception towards Celebrity EndorsementA STUDY ON CONSUMER AWARENESS AND SATISFACTION TOWARDS ONLINE ADVERTISEMENTA Study on Consumer Awareness of DTH ServiceA STUDY ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR OF MILKY MIST MILK (WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO POLLACHI TOWN)A STUDY ON CONSUMER CONFIDENCEA STUDY ON CONSUMER PREFERENCE AND SATISFACTION ON BRANDED PAINTSA STUDY ON CONSUMERS LEVEL OF SATISFACTION TOWARDS ECO-FRIENDLY PRODUCTS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO COIMBATORE DISTRICTA STUDY ON CRITERIA FOR PRODUCT SELECTION AND RECALLING POTENTIAL OF TV COMMERCIALS WITH SPECIFIC REFERENCE TO CONSUMER NON-DURABLES (TOOTH PASTE, SHAMPOO, BATH SOAP, TALCUM POWDER)A STUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND PROBLEMS FACED TOWARDS CREDIT CARDS BY CREDIT CARD USERSA STUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND AWARENESS ON DIGITALIZATION OF INSURANCE SECTORA STUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF BHIM UPI APPA study on customers preference and satisfaction towards E-bike with special reference to Pollachi TalukA STUDY ON EMPLOYEE WELFARE MEASURE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO V-TEXTILES, POLLACHIA STUDY ON EMPLOYEES EMPOWERMENT AT AMAR SEVA SANGAM, AYIKUDIA STUDY ON EMPOWERMENT OF WOMAN THROUGH SELF HELP GROUPA Study on Empowerment of women through self help groupA STUDY ON EXPORT OF LIVE ANIMALS IN INDIAA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF CARPETS AND OTHER TEXTILE FLOOR COVERINGSIN INDIAA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF COCOA IN INDIAA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF ETHANOL IN INDIAA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF FERTILISERS IN INDIAA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF MAN MADE FILMENTS IN INDIAA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF ONION IN INDIAA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF PAPER BOARD IN INDIAA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC OR CINEMATOGRAPHIC GOODS IN INDIAA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF SILKA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF WOOD AND ARTICLES IN INDIAA STUDY ON FACTORS INFLUENCING BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF ECO-FRIENDLY PRODUCTSA STUDY ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF HDFC BANKA STUDY ON HR PRACTICES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ROYAL CLASSIC MILLS PVT LTD, COIMBATOREA Study on Image Restoration and its Various Blind Image Deconvolution AlgorithmsA STUDY ON ISSUES AND CHALLENGES IN SMALL SCALE PUMP MANUFACTURERS IN COIMBATORE, TAMILNADUA STUDY ON JOB PERFORMANCE OF TEACHERS WORKING IN SELF-FINANCING COLLEGESA STUDY ON MENTAL HEALTH AND INTERNET ADDICTION AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTSA STUDY ON PERFORMANCE OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTIN INDIAA STUDY ON POLICYHOLDERS AWARNESS ON CHILD INSURANCE PLANA STUDY ON POLICYHOLDERS PREFERENCE ON CHILD INSURANCE PLANA STUDY ON PRE –PURCHASE BEHAVIOUR OF WORKING WOMEN TOWARDS SELECTED WHITE GOODS IN POLLACHI TALUKA STUDY ON SEPSIS DIAGNOSING METHOD USING MACHINE LEARNING AND DEEP LEARNING ALGORITHMSA STUDY ON SERVICE QUALITY PERCEPTION OF CUSTOMERS TOWARDS FOOD DELIVERY APP IN COIMBATORE CITYA STUDY ON SKYYOGA PRACTICE AMONG WOMENA STUDY ON SURVIVOR SYNDROME WITH REFERENCE TO BULL MACHINES PVT LTD, COIMBATOREA Study on Teachers’ Perception on Various Welfare Measures adopted by Self-Financing CollegesA Study on Teachers’ Perception on Various Welfare Measures adopted by Self-Financing CollegesA STUDY ON THE AWARENESS AND PREFERENCE LEVEL OF LIC POLICYHOLDERS OF SELECT COLLEGE TEACHERS IN COIMBATORE DISTRICTA Study on the Level of Stress among the Employees of Multinational Banks in Pollachi RegionA STUDY ON USAGE OF SOURCES OF INFORMATION TO CHOOSE VARIOUS INVESTMENT AVENUESA STUDY ON VARIOUS CLASSIFICATION ALGORITHMS IN DATA MININGA Survey of Wireless Sensor Network in Precision Agriculture with different Cloud based IoT SchemesA Survey on Big Data in Data Mining TechniquesA SURVEY ON HEART DISEASE PREDICTION USING MACHINE LEARNINGA SURVEY ON ISSUES AND CHALLENGES OF MARINE COMMUINCATION USING BIG DATAA SURVEY ON MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMSA SURVEY ON SMART AGRICULTURE USING WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK ON IOT WITH CLOUD COMPUTINGA Systematic Literature Review - Green Internet of Things Based Smart AgricultureA Trusted Key Management Protocol(TKMP) For Cluster based Wireless NetworksAcceptance about GST- a study with special reference to manufacturing industry in CoimbatoreACCESSING THE LEVEL OF GENDER INEQUALITY AMONG THE FEMALE TEACHERS OF SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES IN UDUMALPET TALUKAdoption of Digital Banking Services in the context of Coimbatore District of Tamil Nadu State of IndiaADULT EDUCATION AND LIFE LONG LEARNINGADVANCEMENT OF CLOUD COMPUTING IN HEALTHCARE SECTORAdvances in Electrical and Computer TechnologiesAg/TiO2 NANOCOMPOSITE: SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION, PHOTOCATALYTIC AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITIESAgricultural Soil Analysis Using Data Mining TechniquesAhananooru Kaatum ThozhilgalAI IN AGRICULTURE MARKETING: CHALLENGES, BENEFITS, START UPSAI IN SOCIAL MEDIA: OPPORTUNITIES AND PERSPECTIVESAn Analysis on Export-Import (EXIM) Performance of Gems and Jewellery in IndiaAn Analysis on Import and Export (EXIM) Performance of Gems and Jewellery in IndiaAN EFFICIENT APPROACH OF CLUSTERING HIGH DIMENSIONAL NON-LINEAR DATA WITH NOISEAn Efficient Imputation Approach on Scanty Data Using Bernoulli scheme based Markov ClassifierAN EFFICIENT WATERSHED TRANSFORMATION TECHNIQUE TO DETECT CANCER CELLS IN HUMAN ORGANSAN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON ONLINE TEACHINGAn Enhanced K-Means Clustering Algorithm to Improve the Accuracy of Clustering using Centroid Identification Based on Compactness FactorAn EWOA-WTDCNN Model: Effective Whale Optimization Algorithm Incorporating with Weight-Tuned Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Forecasting Indian Crop Yielding ProcessAn Implementation of Trusted Key ManagementAn Implementation of Trusted Key Management Protocol (TKMP) in Wireless NetworkAn Improved K-Means Clustering Algorithm Based on Regional Centroid Component (RCC)AN IMPROVED PAIR BASED AUTHENTICATION FOR EFFECTIVE SECURITY TRENDING TOWARDS SOCIAL MEDIAAN IMPROVED PAIR BASED AUTHENTICATION FOR EFFECTIVE SECURITY TRENDING TOWARDS SOCIAL MEDIAAn Insight into the Indian Education towards national education policy 2022 & Positive Changes in the Education systems of IndiaAn Involuntary Data Extraction And Information Summarization Expending OntologyAN IOT BASED CONDITION MONITORING SYSTEM OF BIOGAS ELECTRICAL GENERATOR FOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONAn Ontological Approach for the Semantic Web Search and the Keyword Similarity MetricsAN OVERVIEW OF RETAIL INDUSTRY AND DETERMINANTS OF FDI IN SELECT MACRO-ECONOMIC VARIABLES IN HOST COUNTRIES OF INDIA AND UNITED STATESANALYSIS AND PERFORMANCE OF VARIOUS DATA MINING TECHNIQUES USED FOR MALWARE DETECTION AND CLASSIFICATIONANALYSIS AND PERFORMANCE OF VARIOUS DATA MININGTECHNIQUES USED FOR MALWARE DETECTION ANDCLASSIFICATIONAnalysis and Survey on Machine Learning Algorithms in Different Data Mining ProcessAnalysis of Energy Efficient Power Scheduling in Smart Home Automation System Using Canopy and K-Means Data Mining Clustering AlgorithmsANALYSIS OF RICE AND WHEAT PRODUCTION IN INDIA BASED ON SEASON USING MACHINE LEARNING CLASSIFICATION TECHNIQUESAnalysis of Scope for Growth and Hindrances of Rural Women Entrepreneurs in Udumalpet TalukANALYSIS OF SOUTH INDIAN AGRICULTURE PRODUCTION DATA USING MACHINE LEARNING CLASSIFICATION TECHNIQUESANALYSIS OF THE FACTORS INFLUENCING STUDENT ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION USING MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUESAnalytical Study of Data Mining Techniques for Software TestingAntidandruff activity of Cassia auriculata and Cassia alata through fatty acids mediated inhibition of Malassezia furfurANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF METHANOLIC TUBER EXTRACT OF CYPERUS ROTUNDUS L.APPLICATION OF GAMIFICATION AND SIMULATIONS IN TEACHING AND LEARNING TO CREATE LEARNING INTERESTARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND ITS ROLES AND EFFECT ON LEADERS AND LEADERSHIPARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BASED SMART DUSTBIN COLLECTOR FOR SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTArtificial Intelligence in Banking and InsuranceAspects for the Web Future: Semantic Web Application and Ontology Language for World Wide WebAssessment of Water Quality Using Modified Water Quality Index and Geographical Information System in Madathukulam Taluk, Tiruppur District, Tamil Nadu, IndiaATTITUDE OF TRIBAL WOMAN TOWARDS REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHAUTOMATIC MARKER BASED MORPHOLOGICAL IMAGE SEGMENTATION, CLASSIFICATION AND DISEASE DETECTION USING SVM CLASSIFIER IN DISEASED TOMATO PLANTSAWARENESS AND INVESTMENT PATTERN OF SALARIED CLASS INVESTORS IN COIMBATORE DISTRICTAWARENESS AND PREFERENCE ON POST OFFICE SAVING SCHEMES AMONG EMPLOYEE’S IN COIMBATORE DISTRICTAWARENESS ON NEW EDUCATION POLICY AMONG SCHOOL TEACHERSBacterial Foraging Optimization based Recurrent Neural Network Approach For Identification and Classification of Maize Plant DiseaseBanana – The green gold of IndiaBanking before ICT Vs Banking with ICTBasics of Logistics ServicesBEHAVIOURAL PROBLEMS AMONG CHILDREN OF SUBSTANCE ABUSED PARENTSBenefits of e-CRM Services among Private Banking Customers - A Study with Special Reference to Pollachi TalukBig Data Analytics: Challenges and Solutions Using Hadoop, Map Reduce and Big TableBioactive Phytochemical Compounds of Physalis minima L. and its Anticholinesterase and Antioxidant ActivitiesBLENDED LEARNING MODELS AND TEACHER’S ROLE IN A BLENDED LEARNING ENVIRONMENTBlended mode of teaching and learning for teachers communityBRAILLE GLOVE VIBRATION SYSTEM FOR DIABETIC AFFECTED DISABLED PERSONSBrand Choice of Mobile Phones among College StudentsBRAND EQUITY FOR REFRIGERATORBUILDING A SUCCESSFUL STARTUPS IN INDIA (A STUDY WITH THE SPECIAL REFERENCE TO COIMBATORE DISTRICT)BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF ECO-FRIENDLY PRODUCTSBUYING BEHAVIOUR OF SELECT BRANDED HERBAL PRODUCTSCardholders awareness, Utilization and satisfaction of public distribution system in Coimbatore districtCAREER CHOICE AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTSCentral Banks Digital Currencies in Future Digital TransformationCHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSCHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS OF COCONUT EXPORTERS IN INDIAN PERSPECTIVES- AN INVESTIGATIVE STUDYCHALLENGES AND PROSPECTUS FACED BY RURAL WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN POLLACHI TALUKChallenges and Usage of Social Media among Students with Special Reference to Rural CommunityCHALLENGES FACED BY MUSHROOM EXPORTERS IN COIMBATORE CITY – AN ANALYTICAL STUDYChallenges faced by women entrepreneursChallenges faced by women handloom weaversCHALLENGES IN USING ICT TOOLS IN LEARNING AND TEACHINGCHALLENGES OF SMALL SCALL INDUSTRIES IN COIMBATORE DISTRICTChallenging Disability Stereotypes: Unveiling the Realities of Disability and the Caregiver's Trauma in Ram's Movie PeranbuCHANGING DIMENSIONS OF EDUCATION THROUGH IMPLEMENTATION OF NEP 2022 - AN EXCLUSIVE ANALYSIS OF COMMERCE DOMAINChemical Composition of Essential Oil of Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook. F. & Thomson Leaves and Its Biological ActivitiesCHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ETHANOL EXTRACT OF DIOSYPROS MONTANA ROXBERG LEAVES AND ITS BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITESCHEMICAL PROFILE AND In-vitro BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF Eupatorium adenophorum SPRENGChemical profiling of fern Cheilosoria mysurensis (Wall. ex Hook.) Ching & Shing and its biological activityChemical Profiling of Momordica charantia L. Seed Essential Oil and Its Antimicrobial ActivityChemometric Profile of Calotropis gigantea and its Antioxidant Activity through Bioactive Compounds from Latex, Leaves and Flower ExtractsChera Kings In Sangam LiteratureCIVIC ENGAGEMENT AND ATTITUDE TOWARDS CORRUPTIONCLCLP: Overlapping Community Detection in Networks Using a Combination of Link Community and Label Propagation AlgorithmCO-CREATION MODEL OF LEARNING, TEACHING & CURRICULUM – STAFF & STUDENTS AS PARTNERS TOWARDS NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL POLICY 2022CO-CREATION MODEL OF LEARNING, TEACHING & CURRICULUM – STAFF & STUDENTS AS PARTNERS TOWARDS NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL POLICY 2022Co-creation of model of learning and teaching curriculum – Staff and Students as Partners towards National Education Policy 2022COCONUT AND ITS ALLIED COMMODITIES EXPORTER’S AWARENESS OF GOVERNMENT EXPORT PROMOTION SCHEMES AND PREDICTING THE INDIA’S COCONUT CULTIVATION VOLUME –AN ANALYTICAL STUDYCOCONUT EXPORTER’S AWARENESS, PERCEPTION AND ATTITUDE TOWARDS VARIOUS GOVERNMENT COCONUT PROMOTION SCHEMES & IT’s SERVICES WITH REFERENCE TO POLLACHI TALUK-AN INVESTIGATIVE STUDYComparative Analysis Of Image Segmentation Techniques And Its AlgorithmComparative Analysis Of Image Segmentation Techniques And Its AlgorithmComparative Analysis Of Various Filtering Techniques In Image ProcessingComparative Analysis Of Various Filtering Techniques In Image ProcessingComparative-Analysis-Of-Image-SegmentationCONFLICTS FACED BY TRANSGENDERS IN INDIAN SOCIETYConfronting Domestic Violence Overseas: A Panoptic study of Kiranjit Ahluwalia’s Journey of Battling Domestic Violence in the Hostland in Jag Mundhra’s movie PtovokedCONSUMER ATTITUDE AND PERCEPTION TOWARDS ECO FRIENDLY PRODUCTS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO COIMBATORE DISTRICTCONSUMER AWARENESS AND PREFERENCE OF PATANJALI PRODUCTSConsumer Behaviour on Aavin Milk and Dairy Products in Pollachi Taluk of Tamil NaduCONSUMER SATISFACTION ON PATANJALI PRODUCTSConsumers Attitude on Television AdvertisementCONSUMERS’ ATTITUDE ON TELEVISION ADVERTISING IN THE INTERNET ERACONSUMPTION PATTERN OF MILK AND ITS IMPACT ON AAVIN PRODUCTSContent Aware Retargetting of Stego images IJCA 52-17CONTRIBUTION OF AGRICULTURE & PROCESSED FOOD PRODUCTS EXPORT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (APEDA) IS A BOON TO INDIAN ECONOMYCOPING RISKS ON SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES-AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON PUMP AND MOTOR MANUFACTURERS IN COIMBATORE, TAMILNADUCOSMETICS EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIACOTTON EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIACredit Card Fraud Detection and Prevention In Point of Sale Using Apriori AlgorithmCultural Hegemony in Fatima Mernissi’s Dreams of Trespass: Tales of a Harem GirlhoodCULTURAL STUDIES: CULTURAL CONFLUENCE IN LITERATURECurrent Challenges and New Directions in Sentiment Analysis on Web based media InformationCurrent Challenges and New Directions in Sentiment Analysis on Web based media InformationCustomer Attitude towards Ajio Online ShoppingCUSTOMER PERCEPTION TOWARDS TWO WHEELERS IN COIMBATORE DISTRICTCustomer Preference and Satisfaction on Online ShoppingCUSTOMER RETENTION STRATEGY OF ORGANISED RETAILERS IN FOOD AND GROCERY RETAILINGCUSTOMER SATISFACTIONCustomer Satisfaction towards Mobile BankingCUSTOMER’S PREFERENCE TOWARDS GEMS AND JEWELLERY DURING PANDEMIC PERIOD AND ITS PRICE FLUCTUATIONS WITH REFERENCE TO COIMBATORE CITY -AN INVESTIGATIVE STUDYCUSTOMER’S PREFERENCE TOWARDS GEMS AND JEWELLERY DURING PANDEMIC PERIOD AND ITS PRICE FLUCTUATIONS WITH REFERENCE TO COIMBATORE CITY -AN INVESTIGATIVE STUDYCustomers Attitude towards Ajio Online ShoppingCustomers Satisfaction Towards online food delivery App during Covid-19CUSTOMERS’ SATISFACTION TOWARDS OLA CABCYBERSECURITYData Analysis Using Clustering Algorithms on IOT Based Smart AgricultureData Mining and Machine Learning Techniques for Data AnalysisData Mining Classification Algorithms Comparison for Smart IOTData Mining in AquacultureDATA MINING TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONData Mining Techniques used for Software Testing: A SurveyDATA PRIVACY CHALLENGES AND ITS EMERGING TECHNOLOGIESDBSCAN:FAST DENSITY-BASED CLUSTERINGDEMOGRAPHICS PERSUADE THE SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT PATTERN OF FARMERS - AN EMPIRICAL STUDYDEMOGRAPHICS PERSUADE THE SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT PATTERN OF FARMERS - AN EMPIRICAL STUDYDESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATIONS OF COLOR PIXEL BASED IMAGE SEGMENTATION USING ENHANCED DATA CLUSTERING ALGORITHMS TO APPLYING ON TIGER IMAGE DATASETDESIGN OF A DEEP NETWORK MODEL FOR VEGETATION MONITORING AND CLASSIFICATION USING LEARNING APPROACHESDesigning and Evaluating Vibration modes in Braille Glove Vibration System for Disabled PersonsDetection and classification of skin diseases with ensembles of deep learning networks in medical imagingDetection and classification of skin diseases with ensembles of deep learning networks in medical imagingDetection of Maize Stem and Leaf DiseasesDetection of Maize Stem and Leaf Diseases using Edge Detection Method to Prevent the Crops from DiseasesDETERMINANTS OF BANK PREFERENCEDeterminants of BHIM AppDeterminants of DividendDeterminants of Emotional IntelligenceDETERMINATION AND SEGMENTATION OF MAIZE PLANT DISEASE USING IMPROVED GAUSSIAN PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION ON CONVOLUTION NEURAL NETWORKDEVELOPING A SIMPLE, FAST AND POWERFUL WEB DEVELOPMENT USING DJANGODEVELOPMENT OF CROP YIELD PREDICTION MODEL IN AGRICULTURE USING IMPROVED EXTREME LEARNING MACHINEDiaspora/Transnationalism/Feminism an Enigma of Cultures in Jhumpa Lahiri’s NovelsDieatry patterns of judicial textsDifferential Privacy Strategies for Improving Privacy on the Internet of ThingsDifferential Privacy Techniques-Based Information SecurityDifferential Privacy Techniques-Based Information Security for Cyber Physical System Applications: An OverviewDigital Innovation in MarketingDigital Payment ApplicationsDIGITALIZATION’S IMPACT ON PUBLIC WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO E-GOVERNANCE – AN ATTITUDINAL APPROACHDIGITALIZATION’S IMPACT ON PUBLIC WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO EGOVERNANCE – AN ATTITUDINAL APPDLBPS Dynamic Load BalancingDNA MICROARRAY DATA REDUCTION METHOD FOR DIMENSIONALITY PROBLEMSEco-Friendly Dyeing of Cotton Fabric from Aqueous Herbal Extracts and its Antibacterial ActivityECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN INDIAECONOMIC IMPACT AND ECOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITY OF WOMEN STREET VENDORSEdible Coating from Nontoxic Biomaterials for Extending Shelf Life of fruits and VegetablesEDUCATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSEDUCATIONAL DATA MININGEffect of herbal spray for coconut copra process, storage and Post-harvest disease managementEffect of ICT on Professional Development of TeachersEffect of SKY Yoga practice with Vision Impairment among NGM College studentsEffective Search Engine Spam ClassificationEFFECTIVE TIME MANAGEMENT AND ENHANCEMENT OF LEARNING FLEXIBILITY IN THE ICT ENABLED E-LEARNING ENVIRONMENTEFFECTIVENESS OF IMPLEMENTING DEEP LEARNING ACTIVITIES IN A BLENDED LEARNING PERSPECTIVE THROUGH BIG DATA ANALYSISEFFECTIVENESS OF ONLINE APPS IN COVID19 AMONG COLLEGE TEACHERS IN COIMBATORE DISTRICTEffects of Different Precursors on Particle Size and Optical–Magnetic Properties of ZnCr 2O4 Nanoparticles Prepared by Microwave-Assisted MethodEffects of Trusts on Television Advertising Format and Program RatingEffects on traditional Herbal Plant Extracts on Glucose level in yeast Cells for Diabetic DisorderEfficient and Reliable Cluster Head Selection Mechanism to broadcast collision information in Vehicular Ad-hoc NetworkEFFICIENT JOB SCHEDULING USING TASK CLASSIFIER AND FIREFLY OPTIMIZATION IN CLOUDEFFICIENT JOB SCHEDULING USING TASK CLASSIFIER AND FIREFLY OPTIMIZATION IN CLOUDEFFICIENT TASK SCHEDULING AND LOAD BALANCING TECHNIQUES TO OPTIMIZE RESOURCE UTILIZATION IN CLOUD ENVIRONMENTEMERGING INNOVATION METHODOLOGIES IN BUSINESS SYSTEMEmerging Trends and Themes in English Language and LiteratureEMPOWERING INDIA'S FUTURE: MSMES AS CATALYSTS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND SELF-RELIANCEEmpowerment of South Asia through Economic ConsolidationEnhanced Back Propagation Neural Network For Fruit Disease Prediction And ClassificationEnhanced Graph Theoretic Modeling for Estimating Node Localization and Reachability in WSNENHANCED IMAGE COMPRESSION USING WAVELET MODIFIED SINGLE LAYER LINEAR COUNTER PROPAGATION NETWORKEnhanced Image Segmentation To Infer The Age Of The Tiger Using Fuzzy Modified K-Means Clustering Algorithm (FMKMCA)ENHANCED WEIGHTED QUADRATIC RANDOM FOREST ALGORITHM FOR HEART DISEASE PREDICTIONENHANCED WEIGHTED QUADRATIC RANDOM FOREST ALGORITHM FOR HEART DISEASE PREDICTIONEnriching the nation through empowering women – challenges and opportunitiesENSEMBLE CLASSIFICATION FOR IMBALANCED DATA USING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMEssays on Women at Crossroads: Multi-disciplinary PerspectivesEssential Oil Composition and Biological Activities of Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa Grown in Western Ghats Region-South IndiaEthnographic Elements in the Novel KurunjithenEttuthogai Noolgalil NirvagathiranEVALUATING THE SYNERGISTIC EFFECTS OF YOGA AND A PLANT-BASED DIET ON GLYCEMIC CONTROL AND INSULIN SENSITIVITY IN TYPE 2 DIABETES MANAGEMENTEvaluation of Anti-Dandruff Activity of Poly Herbal Hair Oil against the Fungus Malassezia FurfurEvaluation of phytoconstituents of Andrographis paniculata and its IN VITRO antioxidant activity against DPPH and ABTS assayEVALUATION OF PHYTOCONSTITUENTS OF FERONIA LIMONIA AND ITS IN VITRO CYTOTOXICITYEXPLOIATION AND SUBJUGATION OF WOMEN IN MODERN INDIAEXPLORATION OF DIGITAL IMAGE TAMPERING USING ENHANCED FEATURE EXTRACTION ALGORITHMS IN MACHINE LEARNINGExploration of various Feature Extraction Techniques using ORL DatabaseEXPLORATORY STUDY ON ISSUES FACED BY CUSTOMER (VIA ONLINE BUYINGEXPLORATORY STUDY ON ISSUES FACED BY CUSTOMER (VIA ONLINE BUYING)EXPORT ANALYSIS OF LEATHER AND LEATHER PRODUCTSEXPORT PERFORMANCE OF COIR PRODUCTS FROM INDIAEXPORT PERFORMANCE OFAPEDA IN INDIAFACE RECOGNITION AND EMOTION DETECTION USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEFacial Recognition Algorithm with Graphical Isomorphism – A SurveyFACTORS AFFECTING COMPETITIVENESS OF ORGANISED RETAILERS IN FOOD AND GROCERY RETAILINGFactors Impacting online buying behaviour of College girl student’s towards sariFACTORS INFLUENCES TOWARDS INVESTMENT DECISION OF RURAL POLICYHOLDERSFactors influencing dividend pay-outFACTORS INFLUENCING EMPLOYEE RETENTION: AN EMPIRICAL STUDYFactors Influencing The Choice Of Herbal ProductsFactors Influencing the Female Consumers in Buying Mobile Phones – with Special Reference To Pollachi TalukFACTORS INFLUENCING THE RURAL PEOPLE IN THE CHOICE OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND CAREER PROGRESSION, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO UDUMALPET TALUKFARMER PRODUCT DIRECT SELLING SYSTEMFDI in the Retail SectorFinancial Inclusion of Street HawkersFinancial Independence of women through self-help groupFinancial Self-Governance and Self-Reliance of Women Through Self-Help Groups (SHG) in Pollachi TalukFintech and Crypto CurrencyFloristic Diversity and Ethnobotanical Studies of Nandha Gopalasamy Hill Temple Sacred Grove of Western Ghats, Pollachi Taluk, CoimbatoreFOOTWEAR EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIAFRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PRODUCTS EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIAFRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PRODUCTS EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIAFrontiers of Nano ScienceFRUIT GRADE CLASSIFICATION USING IMPROVED CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORKFRUIT GRADE VERIFICATION USING IMAGE PROCESSING TECHNIQUESFRUIT GRADE VERIFICATION USING IMAGE PROCESSING TECHNIQUESFundamentals of ComputerFunerary Customs Practised in Tamil BuddhistFuzzy Distribution Elephant Herding Optimization (Fdeho)GC-MS Analysis, Phytochemical Screening and Biological Activity of Bauhinia tomentosa (Linn.)Gender Identity and Equality through Cultural and Social ScapeGENDER IDENTITY AND EQUALITY THRROUGH CULTURAL AND SOCIAL SCAPEGLASS AND GLASS WAREEXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIAGlobal Economic Impact of Covid – 19Global Leadership among young minds in Pollachi regionGood Vs Evil: Redefining the Meaning of Good and Evil with an Alternate Perspective in Anand Neelakandan’s Asura: Tale of the VanquishedGovernment and Private Employee’s Satisfaction on Post Office Savings SchemesGOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE EMPLOYEES AWARENESSON POST OFFICE SAVING SCHEMESGRATIFICATION TOWARDS MOBILE PAYMENT USERS IN COIMBATORE DISTRICTGreen Data Mining (G-DM) BASED Energy Consumption on Internet of Things: A ReviewGreen Data Mining Based Energy Consumption on IOT - A ReviewGREEN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH FOR THE SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE IN INDIAGREEN INITIATIVES IN BUSINESS – AN INSIGHT OVER THE PROS, CONS AND NOTIONS BEHIND ITGreen Internet of Things Research Direction for Energy Efficient Smart Cities based on G-IOTGreen Internet of Things: A Research Direction on G-IoT Based Energy Efficient Smart CityGreen IoT Based Smart Agriculture: A Systematic Literature ReviewGREEN MARKETING AND ITS STRATEGIESGREEN SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES FROM ULVA FASCIATA DELILE.GREEN SYNTHESIS OF REDUCED GRAPHENE OXIDE SILVER NANOCOMPOSITE USING Anisomeles malabarica (L.) R. BR. LEAF EXTRACT AND ITS ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITYGreen Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Chaetomorpha antennina (Bory) Kützing and its Antibacterial ActivityGround and surface water quality assessment of Palladam Taluk using Geographical Information System and Modified National Sanitation Foundation -Water Quality IndexGROWTH OF DIGITAL PLATFORMS AND ITS IMPACT ON GREEN BUSINESS IMPLICATIONSHARMONIZING ANCIENT TRADITIONS WITH CONTEMPORARY SCIENCE: EXPLORING THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS OF YOGAHarmony in Family BusinessHeart Disease Data Pre-Processing Using Enhanced Data Mining TechniquesHeart Disease Data Pre-processing using Enhanced Data Mining TechniquesHIERARICAL CLUSTER BASED DATA PRE-PROCESSING FOR STOCK MARKET DATA PREDICTIONHigh Quality of Research and DevelopmentHolistic ManagementHumanistic Approaches in ELTHybridization of Linear Support Vector MachineICT SKILLS FOR HIGHER EDUCATIONICT TOOLS IN TEACHING LEARNING PROCESSIDENTIFICATION AND QUANTIFICATION OF PHYTOCHEMICALS IN HEMIONITIS OPPOSITA (KAULF.) CHRISTENH, AN UNEXPLORED FERN OF VALPARAI HILLSIdentification of Bioactive Compounds Present in the Crude Methanolic Leaf Extract of Acalypha Fruticosa Forssk. through GC-MS AnalysisIdentification Of Malware Using Enhanced Malware Detection Pre Processing TechniquesIdentification Of Malware Using Enhanced Malware Detection Pre- Processing TechniquesIdentification Of Malware Using Enhanced Malware Detection Pre-Processing TechniquesIFLCH: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic based Cluster Head Selection in Wireless Sensor NetworksIlakkiyangalil ManithaneyamILLUMINATING BRAIN TUMOR IN MRI METAPHORS BY USING SVM CLASSIFIERILLUMINATING BRAIN TUMOR IN MRI METAPHORS BY USING A HYBRID MODEL OF FASTER R-CNN AND SVMImage Processing Techniques In Agriculture For Plant Disease Detection And Weed DetectionImage Segmentation K-Means Clustering Algorithm for Fruit Disease Detection Image ProcessingIMPACT AND SATISFACTION ON E-LEARNING AMONG RURAL PEOPLEImpact of Apeda in India’s Export PerformanceIMPACT OF BRAND EQUITY ON CONSUMER BRAND PREFERENCE & BRAND PURCHASE INTENTIONIMPACT OF CHRONIC STRESS TOWARDS SELF-DESTRUCTION ATTITUDEIMPACT OF DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS ON CUSTOMERS SATISFACTION IN DIGITALISED BANKING SERVICESImpact of Demonetisation on cash to cashless Economy among Job GoersImpact of Digital Learning in Education Sector: A pandemic PerspectiveImpact of Digitalisation in the TertiaryImpact of Digitalization in the Tertiary BusinessIMPACT OF DIGITALIZATION ON EDUCATION – THEORIETICAL ANALYSISIMPACT OF E-LEARNING ON RURAL STUDENTSIMPACT OF FACEBOOK ADVERTISING ON BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF MILLENNIALIMPACT OF FACEBOOK ON THE BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF STUDENTSIMPACT OF ICT TOOLS IN TEACHING, LEARNING AND EVALUATION PROCESS, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO PROFESSORS OF ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGES IN POLLACHI AND UDUMALPET TALUKIMPACT OF IOT IN THE SENSORS INVOLVED IN SMART APPLICATIONSImpact of new education policy 2022 on higher educationIMPACT OF NEW EDUCATION POLICY ON HIGHER EDUCATIONImpact of Simplified Kundalini yoga on Sinus problem among College Women StudentsIMPACT OF SOCIO ECONOMIC FACTORS ON THE NATURE OF WORK IN UNORGANISED SECTORIMPACT OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROFILE ON HOUSEHOLD BORROWING BEHAVIOURImpact of Stress in Multinational Banks in Pollachi RegionIMPACT OF WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATIONIMPACT ON DIGITAL LEARNING AND ONLINE EXAMINATION SYSTEMImplementation of Improved Throttled Load Balancing Algorithm Using Cloud AnalystIMPLEMENTATION ON ENHANCING SECURITY OF ECOMMERCE SITE FOR DIGITAL MARKETINGImportance of Adult Education in Professional Development EducationIMPORTANCE OF ICT IN EDUCATIONIMPORTANCE OF LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY FOR THE SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY AND ENTERPRENEURSHIPIn vitro Anticancer and Antioxidant potential of Essential oil of Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Simth grown in Western Ghats region-South IndiaIn vitro antifungal activity of formulated floral extracts against_Malassezia furfurIn Vitro Antioxidant Activities of Methanolic Extracts of Henckelia Incana (VAHL) Spering.IN VITRO CYTOTOXICITY POTENTIAL OF ETHANOL EXTRACT OF SYZYGIUM SAMARANGENSE (Wt.)India Means Business – Reform and Perform & TransformINDIA’S INFRASTRUCTURAL FACILITIES STATUS OF MULTI-MODAL TRANSPORT SECTOR - AN INVESTIGATIVE STUDYIndian Culture and Tradition – Restore, Replenish & Accomplish to AchieveIndraya Kaviyulagil valam varum BharathiINDUSTRIAL INTERNET OF THINGS (IIOT) AND INDUSTRY 4.0INFLUENCE OF TRADITIONAL YOGA TRAINING ON SINUS PROBLEM AMONG COLLEGE WOMEN STUDENTSINFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY IN 21ST CENTURY TEACHING AND LEARNINGINFORMATION SEEKING BEHAVIOUR OF INDIVIDUAL EQUITY INVESTORS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO COIMBATORE DISTRICTINFRASTRUCTURE AND INFRASTRUCTURAL FACILITIES STATUS OF INDIAN MULTI MODAL TRANSPORTATION SECTORS IN MARINE TRADE –AN ANALYTICAL STUDYInnovative Business Practices for Global Sustainable Development in the Post Pandemic EraInsecticidal potential of certain common ferns on Rugose spiralling whitefly, Aleurodicus rugioperculatus Martin (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)Insecticidal potential of certain common ferns on Rugose spiralling whitefly, Aleurodicus rugioperculatus Martin (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)INTELLIGENCE IN LEADERSHIPInternational Journal of Advance and Innovative ResearchINTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) IN HOUSEHOLD ITEMSIntroduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine LearningINVESTIGATING THE IOT APPLICATION INFLUENCE IN DOMESTIC & FOREIGN TOURISMInvestigation of Cybersecurity Attacks and Threats on Cloud Using Black Widow Algorithm with Recurrent Neural NetworkIOT BASED GARBAGE MONITORING SYSTEMIoT Based Smart Agriculture SystemIOT Based Smart Security and Automation towards work Life BalanceIOT– BASED AIR QUALITY MONITORING SYSTEMIRON AND STEEL EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIAIruperum Samuga MethaigalIsolation and identification of terpenoid compounds from the folklore medicinal plant, Acacia caesia (L.) willd. LeavesJob Satisfaction of Physical Education TeachersKadaiyelu Vallalkalin Manithaneya maanbukalKambanin Padaibaalumaiyil Veedanin PanbaalumaiKambanin Padaipaalumayil Veedanin PanpaalumaiKaninithamizhum athan PayanpaadumKavignar M. Thangarasanin ‘Mathulankani’ Kavithai thoguppil velipadum samuthaya SindanaigalKavignar M. Thangarasanin ‘Panithuli’ Kavitha thoguppin vazhi Vaazhvial SindanaigalKnowledge graph embedding via the properties of mapping and dynamic matrixKnowledge graph embedding via the Properties of mapping and dynamic matrixLEADERSHIP AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN ECONOMIC GROWTHLEARNING RESPONSIBILITYLifestyle of Ancient People's in KalithokaiLOAD BALANCING OPTIMIZATION FORECAST ANALYSIS IN WIRELESS SENSORLOAD BALANCING OPTIMIZATION FORECAST ANALYSIS IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS USING NETWORK ENERGY EFFICIENT PROTOCOLLoad Harmonizing Architectural Design Scheme for CBPR NetworksLocal binary fitting Median Filter for noise reduction in lung image datasets and classificationLocal binary fitting Median Filter for noise reduction in lung image datasets and classificationLocal binary fitting Median Filter for noise reduction in lung image datasets and classificationLONG TERM SOLVENCY ANALYSIS OF SELECT PASSENGER CAR COMPANIES IN INDIALUNGS SEGMENTATION AND CLASSIFICATION USING MACHINE LEARNING IN CHEST X-RAY IMAGESM-Denclue for Effective Data Clustering in High Dimensional Non-Linear DataM-Denclue for Effective Data Clustering in High Dimensional Non-Linear Data WoSMaanuda valarchiyil ilakkia, samugaviiyal matrum porulatharathin pangalippuMACHINE LEARNING AND DEEP LEARNING TECHNIQUES FOR CLASSIFICATION OF SKIN DISEASE DIAGNOSIS: A REVIEWMachine Learning and deep learning techniques for Classification of Skin Disease diagnosis: A reviewMACHINE LEARNING CLASSIFICATION TECHNIQUESMACHINE LEARNING: CONCEPTS, ALGORITHMS AND APPLICATIONS - A SURVEYMAIZE LEAF DISEASE IDENTIFICATION AND CLASSIFICATION BASED ON MULTISCALE CONVOLUTION NETWORK, BACTERIAL FORAGING OPTIMIZATION AND PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATIONMAJOR DRIVERS FOR RURAL TRANSFORMATION OF INDIA (2020)MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE: REASONS TO CHOOSE LIC INSURANCE POLICYMANAGEMENT OF SUPPLY CHAIN IN FOUNDRY INDUSTRYMANAGING THE FAMILY BY WOMEN LABOURERS IN UNORGANISED SECTOR DURING COVID PANDEMICManakkum Malligaiyin Vazhi” Thooliyum Thottilum” Unarthum Uyirootamum UnaivaalumaiyumManithaneya SindanaigalMARKET PROSPECTS OF THE PUMP INDUSTRY FROM MSMES IN COIMBATORE DISTRICT: AN EMPIRICAL STUDYMARKETING INNOVATIONS IN BUSINESSMETA-HEURISTIC METHOD FOR OPTIMIZATION IN HIGH DIMENSIONAL NON-LINEAR DATA USING DNA MICROARRAYMethods and techniques to evaluate the performance of Data Cleansing Algorithms for very Large Database SystemsMILLENNIAL CONSUMER TREND FOR E- VEHICLESMissing Data Imputation Using Bayesian ClassifierModified AODV protocol to prevent Blackhole Attacks in MANET - Lakshmi et al.Modified Density-Based Clustering For Effective Data Clustering in Hdnl DataMoovendarkalin Sirappu ThanmaigalMorphological and Otsu’s SegmentationMorphological and Otsu’s Segmentation, Classification and Disease Detection of Maize Plant Using Texture Feature AnalysisMorphological and Otsu’s Segmentation, Classification and Disease Detection of Maize Plant Using Texture Feature AnalysisMOTIVATIONAL FACTORS OF WOMEN MILLENNIAL CONSUMERS IN IMPULSIVE BUYING BEHAVIOUR ON ONLINE SHOPPING DURING PANDEMICMOTIVATIONAL FACTORS TO START THE BUSINESS BY RURAL WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSMulti Facets of Indian EconomyMultivariate Logistic Regression based Gradient Descent Firefly Optimized Round Robin Scheduling with Big DataN.Subbu Reddiar’s Eruditeness in his Palsuvai VirundhuNaladiyar Navilum Vazhviyal AlumaigalNational Education PolicyNational Education Policy 2020 and Higher Education in IndiaNational Education Policy: 2020 – Challenges and Opportunities for Higher Educational InstitutionNEED BASED CONSUMER BEHAVIOR AND BRAND LOYALTY WITH REFERENCE TO HERBAL PRODUCTSNeethi Noolkalil Noye theerkkum unavu muraikalNeural Network Approach For Identification and Classification of Maize Plant DiseaseNickel ferrite-based composites and its photocatalytic application – A reviewNoiy Ethirppu Sakthiyai Athikarikkum PranayamamNOVEL MULTISTAGE CONTENT BASED IMAGE RETRIEVAL APPROACH USING CURVELET LAPLICIENT FILTERNOVEL TEMPORAL SEQUENCE PATTERN BASED HUMAN ACTIVITY PREDICTION USING DVSM APPROACHNOVEL TEMPORAL SEQUENCE PATTERN BASED HUMAN ACTIVITY PREDICTION USING DVSM APPROACHObject oriented JavaScript generalization techniqueOnline Apparel Buying Behaviour of College GirlsOnline Shopping Behaviour of Employed WomenOPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES FACED BY THE SELECTED ORGANIC PRODUCT EXPORTERS IN INDIA- AN EMPIRICAL STUDYOptimised Image Resizing using Peicewise Seam CarvingOPTIMIZATION OF PAGE RANKING WITH SWARM INTELLIGENCE ALGORITHMS FOR RE-RANKING OF WEB SEARCH RESULTSORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE AND JOB SATISFACTION IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONSOru Nimida Karisanam & Salpathikara Samayangalil NirangalOverlapping Community Detection in NetworksOVERVIEW OF NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL POLICY IN INDIAPandayathamilaril Maruthuva ArivuPandiyarkalin AazhumaiPath Detection Protocol in Wireless Adhoc NetworksPazhanthamilarin Vaaniyal ArivuPERCEIVED ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT AND EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONSPERCEPTION ABOUT NEW EDUCATION POLICY (NEP) IN TEACHING FRATERNITY- WITH RESPECT TO COIMBATORE CITYPERCEPTION AND SATISFACTION OF CUSTOMERS TOWARDS ONLINE FOOD DELIVERY SYSTEMS WITH REFERENCE TO COIMBATORE DISTRICTPERCEPTION AND SATISFACTION OF RURAL POLICY HOLDERS TOWARDS PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED BY LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA IN COIMBATOREPerception on online education during covid-19PERCEPTION TOWARDS BAN ON PLASTIC BAGSPERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF MACHINE LEARNING CLASSIFICATION TECHNIQUES TO PREDICT LUNG DISEASESPerformance Analysis of Various Filtering Techniques for Smoothing and Sharpening the Brain Tumour ImagesPerformance Analysis of Various Filtering Techniques for Smoothing and Sharpening the Brain Tumour ImagesPERFORMANCE APPRAISAL MANAGEMENT - A MOTIVATION TO EMPLOYEEPERFORMANCE APPRAISAL MANAGEMENT - A MOTIVATION TO EMPLOYEEPerformance of Paper Board’s ExportPERFORMANCE OF SELECT OIL AND PETROLEUM COMPANIES IN INDIA WITH RESPECT TO PROFITABILITY AND LIQUIDITY ANALYSISPERSPECTIVE OF E-LEARNING THROUGH PEDAGOGY ENHANCEMENT WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO FEATURES OF E-LEARNING TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGIESPharmacognostical Characterisation and Phytochemical Profiling of the Medicinal Plant, Ehretia ovaliafolia WightPharmacognostical Evaluation and Phytochemical Profiling of Important Plant Species Zizhyphus Oenoplia L.Pharmacognostical Evalution Phytochemical Profiling of Important Plant Species Zizhyphus Oenoplia L.Pharmacognostical Phytochemical and Anatomical Evalution of Crateva Religiosa G.ForstPHARMACOGNOSTICAL, PHYTOCHEMICAL AND ANATOMICAL EVALUTION OF CRATEVA RELIGIOSA G.FORSTPhysics concepts in sangam literaturePHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS AND INVITRO ANTICANCER ACTIVITY OF ETHANOL EXTRACT OF WRIGHTIA TINCTORIAPHYTOCHEMICAL_ANALYSIS_SYNTHESIS_OF_SILVER_NANOPARTICLES_AND_ITS_ANTIBACTERIAL_ACTIVITY_FROM_CYPERUS_BREVIFOLIUS_LPlanets in Sangam LiteraturePLIGHT OF STRUGLES TO GAIN SELF-ASSERTION AND SELFIDENTITY OF WOMEN PROTRAYED IN ANITA NAIR'S LADIES COUPEPolicyholders Satisfaction towards online Insurance ProductsPolicyholders’ Satisfaction towards Life Insurance Products (with special reference to Pollachi Taluk)Poosalaar naayanaarin Thannambikkaiyum Yoga NilaiyumPoosalaar Nayanarin Thannambikaiyum YoganilaiyumPost Colonialism and subaltern studies: An IntroductionPranayama boost ImmunityPrediction and Classification of Pomegranate Fruit Disease Using Proficient ClassifierPREDICTORS OF GREEN COSUMERISM IN POLLACHIPreferences and Awareness Level about Baby Products through Online ShoppingPreliminary Phytochemical Analysis of the Fern Cheilosoriamysorensis (Wall.Ex Hook.) Ching & Shing and its Antioxidant ActivityPRELIMINARY PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF THE FERN CHEILOSORIAMYSURENSIS(WALL. EX HOOK.) CHING & SHING AND ITS ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITYPrinciples of Social Discipline and Oratorial Skills in Professor‟s “Annal Hanuman”Privacy Enhancement on Internet of Things Using Differential Privacy StrategiesPrivacy Enhancement on Internet of Things Using Differential Privacy StrategiesPROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF BUYING PRODUCTS THROUGH ONLINEPROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF BUYING PRODUCTS THROUGH ONLINEPROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF COIR INDUSTRYPROBLEMS FACED BY HUMAN RESOURCE PROFESSIONALS IN COIR INDUSTRYPROBLEMS FACED BY RURAL HANDLOOM WEAVERS- With Specific Reference to Pollachi TalukPROBLEMS FACED BY WOMEN EMPOWERMENT IN NCC WITH REFERENCE TO COIMBATORE DISTRICTProblems faced by women handloom weavers in Pollachi TalukPROBLEMS IN DIGITALISED BANKING – AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION IN COIMBATORE DISTRICTProceedings of International Virtual Conference on Modern Trends in English Language, Literature and LinguisticsPRODUCTION AND SALES FORECAST OF FOUNDRY INDUSTRYPRODUCTION DRIVERS OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE PUMP MANUFACTURERS IN COIMBATORE DISTRICT: AN EMPIRICAL STUDYProduction of Degradable Bio Plastics from Invasive Alien Plants in Anamalais, the Western GhatsProficient Clustering based Broadcasting for VANET using LEACH and AOMDV ProtocolPROFITABILITY AND TREND ANALYSIS OF SELECT RETAIL COMPANIES IN INDIAProspect of Online Education in Coimbatore DistrictProspects of Flower Business in Coimbatore and Tiruppur DistrictPsychological wellbeingPUBLIC HEALTH CENTERS ROLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL COMMUNITIES – A DECISIVE APPROACHPulamaiyum ManithaneyamumPurchase influence in Television AdvertisementsPuthina Ilakkiathil Inavaraiviyal Koorum Panpaatu PathivukalumPuthukavithaigal unarthum puraiyodia manithaneyamQuality of Work Life among Employees in MSME'S with reference to Coimbatore DistQuantitative phytochemical screening of Filicium decipiens Wight & Arn. leavesQUEST FOR SELF-ACTUALIZATION AND SELF-REALIZATION IN ANITA NAIR’S THE BETTER MANRadio Frequency-Intelligent Energy Conservation System through Remote Power Transferring for Wireless Sensor DevicesREADING HABIT IN DIGITAL ERA - A STUDY WITH SPECIFIC REFERENCE TO COLLEGE STUDENTS OF POLLACHI TALUK, TAMILNADURecent Trends in Commerce and ManagementRehabilitation of small scale industries through skill IndiaREIMAGINING MARKETING IN THE NORMALResearch Methodology in Commerce, Business and EconomicsResilienceResource Optimized Ensemble Gradient Boosting Classifier for Traffic Aware Big Data AnalyticsREVIEW ON MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMREVIEWS OF BRAND EQUITY DIMENSIONSRevisiting Teachers methodology in Biological Sciences on NEP 2020 PerspectiveRICE EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIARISK PERCEPTION OF INDIVIDUAL EQUITY INVESTORSRole of Agriculture in India’s Rural Development (2022)ROLE OF BANKS IN FINANCIAL INCLUSIONROLE OF EDUCATION IN WOMEN EMPOWERMENTROLE OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN UPLIFTING THE RURAL PEOPLE IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND CAREER PLANNING, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO UDUMALPET TALUKROLE OF FINTECH COMPANIES IN EMERGING WORLDROLE OF TEACHERS IN NEPROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN NEP 2020 (INTEGRATION OF TECHNOLOGY: A KEY FACTOR OF NEP 2020)RUBBER EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIARURAL CONSUMER SATISFACTION TOWARDS ONLINE SHOPPINGRURAL FARMER AWARENESS ON CROP INSURANCE SCHEME IN POLLACHI TALUKRURAL FARMER SATISFACTION ON CROP INSURANCE SCHEME IN POLLACHI TALUKRURAL POLICYHOLDERS AWARENESS AND SATISFACTION ON ONLINE SERVICES OF LICRURAL POLICYHOLDERS SATISFACTION TOWARDS THE OFFICE SERVICES OF LICRural Policyholders' Preference on Health InsuranceRURAL POLICYHOLDERS’ AWARENESS ON HEALTH INSURANCERURAL STUDENTS AND YOUTH EMBRACING DIGITAL MEDIUM TO CONTINUE LEARNING DURING COVID-19Rural Women EntrepreneurshipRural Women Empowerment through Entrepreneurship E-Entrepreneurship in Indian Rural MarketRURAL WORKING WOMEN POLICYHOLDERS AWARENESS ON THE POLICIES OFFERED BY LICRuthenium(III) and (II) complexes containing pyridine moiety: Synthesis, crystal structure and in vitro biological evaluationSanga ilakkiathil thozhilgalum thozhilnutpa pathivugalumSanga Ilakkiathil ThozhilmuraigalSanga Ilakkiathil Vazhipaattu MarabugalSanga Ilakkiathil Velaansaar Ariviyal ThozhilnutpangalSangathamizhil Kalaignarin MozhiyaalumaiSATISFACTION LEVEL OF IMPULSIVE BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF WOMEN MILLENNIAL CONSUMERS ONONLINE SHOPPING DURING PANDEMICSatisfaction of Goods and Services among Small and Medium Traders in and Around Pollachi TalukSATISFACTION OF WORKINGWOMEN POLICYHOLDERS’ ON THE SERVICES OFLICScientific Concepts in Sangam LiteratureScreening of Phytochemicals and Antimicrobial Activity of Lithophytic Fern Pyrrosia porosa (C.Presl) HovenkampSecure and Energy Efficient Scheme for smart agriculture using IoAT and BlockchainSecure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks: A ReviewSELECTION OF FEATURES ASSOCIATED WITH CORONARY ARTERY DISEASES (CAD) USING FEATURE SELECTION TECHNIQUES.SELF IMMOLATION ATTITUDE AMONG SCHOOL STUDENTS ON ACUTE STRESSSELF-ESTEEM OF RURAL WOMEN: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON SELF-HELP GROUPSevviyal Noolgalil puvisaar padivugalum vaansaar padivugalSevviyal Noolkalil Puvisaar Pathivugalum Vaansaar PathivugalumSexual Education through SpiritualitySHORT TERM SOLVENCY ANALYSIS OF SELECT PASSENGER CAR COMPANIES IN INDIASiddar Ilakkiangalil Manitha NeyamSilappathikarathil Naatupura DeivavazhipaduSkill Development and Employability through Higher EducationSkills and Employability in Higher EducationSkin Disease Identification and Classification Optimization Study Using Random Forest Boosted Deep Learning Neural NetworksSkin Disease Segmentation and Classification using deep learner network modelSKY YOGA - A YOGA FOR MODERN AGE-A GLIMPSESmart Agricultural TechnologySmart Farming Using IoTSocial Status of Women Working in Unorganised Sector and It Impact on Living ConditionSocial Status of Women Working in Unorganised Sector and It Impact on Living ConditionSOIL TEST BASED SMART AGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSOIL TEST BASED SMART AGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSpiritual and Social Ethics revealed by Professor’s PeriyazhvarSpirituality Fosters HumanitySTATIC AND DYNAMIC ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR WIRELESS NETWORKS ANStatic and Dynamic Routing Protocols for Wireless Networks: An Effective ApproachSTUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON ONLINE EDUCATIONStudents’ Preference towards Kahoot ApplicationStudies on clastogenic activity caused by synthetic red food colour dye on the root tips of Allium cepa L.Studies on the Cellulolytic Microorganisms and their Application on Recycling of Organic Wastes from Pollachi TalukSTUDY ON EMERGING IMPORTANCE OF CLOUD BASED IOT SCHEME WITH WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK IN PRECISION AGRICULTURE USING CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMSTUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF FISH PRODUCTS IN INDIASTUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF FISH PRODUCTS IN INDIASTUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF FISH PRODUCTS IN INDIASTUDY ON FINANCIAL LITERACY AMOUNG TRIBAL PEOPLEStudy on genetic diversity in the different populations of Acalypha fruticosa forssk by using RAPD analysis inhabiting foot hills of Southern Western GhatsSTUDY ON MACHINE LEARNING AND CRYPTOGRAPHIC METHODS FOR IMAGE COMPRESSION AND SECURED TRANSMISSIONStudy on Morphological, Anatomical, Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical variation between the two important medicinal plants Ruellia Patula Jacq. and Ruellia Tuberosa Linn.STUDY ON NON CO-OPERATION MOVEMENT IN FREEDOM STRUGGLEStudy on Recruitment & Selection of Man Power in Export Concern Located in Tiruppur DistrictSuccession in family firms: The question of SurvivalSundarakandathil Manithaneya MaanbugalSUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (SCM) PRACTICES AND ITS EFFECTS ON TEXTILE INDUSTRIES IN COIMBATORE DISTRICTSupport Vector Regression based Mapreduce Throttled Load Balancer for Data CentersSupport Vector Regression based Mapreduce Throttled Load Balancer for Data CentersSurvey and Analysis of 3D steganographySURVEY ON NATURAL VEGETATION USING DATA MINING ALGORITHMS AND IOT TECHNIQUESSURVEY ON TWITTER SENTIMENT ANALYSIS USING MACHINE LEARNINGSustainability of Sugar Factory in Tamil Nadu, IndiaSWAMI VIVEKANANDA’S CONCEPT OF UNIVERSAL RELIGIONTamil Ilakkanam Katralil Erpadum Sikkalkalum TheervugalumTamil ilakkiangalil manitha uravugalTamil Ilakkiathil KoilkalaiTamil magan puthinangalil kudumba uravugalTamilar vaazhvum AURA pala unavu ThittamumTaxonomic Significance on Morphological and Anatomical Characters of Cardiospermum Halicacabum L. and Cardiospermum CorindumL. (Sapindaceae)TEACHERS PERCEPTION OF ICT INTEGRATION IN TEACHINGTEACHERS ROLE IN BLENDED LEARNING ENVIRONMENTTeachers’ Perception towards Blended ModeTeachers’ Perception towards ICT ToolsTechnological Infrastructure Framework for the Implementation of Blended Learning, to Improve Quality of EducationTECHNOLOGICAL REFORMS IN AGRICULTURAL GROWTHTELEVISION VIEWING BEHAVIOUR OF CONSUMERS AND TELEVISION ADVERTISEMENTS’ IMPACT ON CONSUMERS’ PURCHASE DECISIONTESTING THE ACCURACY AND WORKING PROCEDURE OF BRAILLE HAND GLOVE USING A STATISTICAL TOOLThamilar Vaalvum Aara Pazha unavu thittamumThamizhar panpattil pasipini pokkum manithaneya manbukalThanimanitha Vetrikku Valluvanin AlumaikoorugalTHE IMPACT OF “PAZHAMOZHI NAANOORU” IN ENRICHING THE SOCIETY THROUGH ADMINISTRATIONThe impact of SKY yoga practice on quality of life among womenTHE IMPACT OF SKY YOGA PRACTICES ON ENHANCING HAPPINESS AND GRATITUDE AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTSTHE IMPACT OF SKY YOGA PRACTICES ON QUALITY OF LIFE OF WOMENTHE IMPACT OF SKY YOGA PRACTICES ON RESILIENCE AMONG THE WOMENTHE IMPACT OF STRESS ON BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS: UNDERSTANDING THE CONNECTION OF YOGA AND DIET IN MANAGING ITTHE INFLUENCE OF (SKY YOGA) EYE EXERCISE AND LAMP GAZING PRACTICE ON VISUAL FUNCTIONING AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTSThe Principles of Integral Yoga Substantiates the Principles of Sky YogaTHE ROLE OF BLOCKCHAIN IN 6G: CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES AND RESEARCH DIRECTIONSTHE SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF COIR WORKERS IN THANJAVUR DISTRICTTHE VIRTUES OF YOUNG PEOPLE CREATING THE FUTURETHERAPEUTIC ROLE OF YOGA INTYPE2 DIABETESThirukkuralThirukural Thirukuran kaatum AranerigalThirukuralil Thani Manitha Aalumai MembaduTime Management and Learning FlexibilityTime Management in E-LearningTO STUDY THE IMPACT OF DRUG ADDICTION AND THEIR LIFESTYLE BELOW THE AGE OF 25 WITH REFERENCE TO POLLACHI TALUKTO STUDY THE IMPACT OF DRUG ADDICTION AND THEIR LIFESTYLEABOVE THE AGE OF 25 WITH REFERENCE TO POLLACHI TALUKTOP 15 COMMODITIES EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIATowards Analyzing the Prediction of Developing Cardiovascular Disease using Implementation of Machine Learning TechniquesTrading Method of Individual Equity InvestorsTRANSFORMATION OF PEOPLE TO DIGITAL BANKING AFTER COVID’19 - WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO POLLACHI TALUKTransformation of Teaching-Learning Strategies in the Digital EraTRANSFORMATION SEARCH: ENHANCING WEB PAGE RE-RANKING WITH TRANSFORMER-BASED DEEP LEARNING ALGORITHMSUdarpayirchiyum udalnala membadumUIPATH ANALYSIS IN ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION TOOLSUIPATH ANALYSIS IN ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION TOOLSUNDERSTANDING LITERATURE IN THE CONTEXT OF CONTEMPORARY THEORIES- INDIAN AND WESTERN PERSPECTIVESUnderstanding the Fundamentals and Functioning of Academic Bank Credit for Higher Educational InstitutionsUSAGE AND PREFERENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA SITES AMONG STUDENTS AN ATTITUDINAL INSIGHTUser Attitude towards BHIM AppUSER PREFERENCE AND AWARENESS ON DIGITAL PAYMENT SYSTEMS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO DIGITAL INDIA PROGRAMMEUser’s Satisfaction on Social Media NetworkUsers Perception towards Google PayUsers Perception towards PayTMVa.Mu. Komuvin sirukathaikalil – uravu nilaiVaanithasanin Kulandai IlakkiamVIOLENCE, PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA AND THE QUEST FOR FAMILIAL BOND IN MICHAEL ONDAATJE’S NOVEL WARLIGHTVirtues of Young people create the FutureVision for Vishwa guru India: Initiatives for global leadership by 2047VISION TO VICTORY; INDIA’S GLOBAL LEADERSHIP BY 2047WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF UDUMALPET TALUK, SOUTH INDIA USING MNSF-WQI AND GIS METHODWEIGHT BASED PRE-PROCESSING ALGORITHM (WBPA) FOR DATA PRE-PROCESSING IN SENTIMENT ANALYSISWomen Consumers’ Price Consciousness on ApparelsWOMEN EMPLOYMENT, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND EMPOWERMENTWOMEN EMPOWERMENTWOMEN EMPOWERMENT IN INDIA AND IT’S IMPORTANCE – AN OVERVIEWWOMEN EMPOWERMENT IN NCC WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO COIMBATORE DISTRICTWOMEN EMPOWERMENT THROUGH EDUCATIONWomen Empowerment through EntrepreneurshipWomen Empowerment through MicrofinanceWOMEN EMPOWERMENT THROUGH MICROFINANCE-A STUDY IN COIMBATORE DISTRICTWOMEN ENTREPRENEURS FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS ON WEALTH CREATIONWOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTWomen Entrepreneurship for Economic DevelopmentWOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP-DENSITY AND DETERMINANTSWomen Entrepreneurship: Turning Challenges into OpportunitiesWOMEN INVESTORS LEVEL OF AWARENESS ON POST OFFICE SAVING SCHEMESWomen Skill Development and Self EmploymentWomen’s Store Choice DeterminantsWomens Employment, Entrepreneurship and EmpowermentWorking Women Policyholders’ Awareness on the Policies Offered and Facilities Provided by LICWorking Women Preference for Handloom SarisWorld without WarYOGIC PRACTICES AND MINDFULNESS Subject Select...Apriori AlgorithmBRAILLE HAND GLOVE USING A STATISTICAL TOOLEFFECTIVE SECURITY TRENDING TOWARDS SOCIAL MEDIAMACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMSMalware Detection Pre Processing TechniquesPropagation Neural NetworkROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION TOOLSSTUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF COPPER IN INDIA"A STUDY ON CONSUMER AWARENESS AND SATISFACTION TOWARDS ONLINE ADVERTISEMENT""A STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF EYE EXERCISE (SKY YOGA) AND LAMP GAZING PRACTICE ON ENHANCING VISUAL FUNCTION AND WELL-BEING AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS”"A STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF SKY YOGA PRACTICES ON ENHANCING HAPPINESS AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS”"AWARENESS TOWARDS GOODS AND SERVICES TAX (GST) AMONG SMALL AND MEDIUM TRADERS – A study with special reference to Pollachi Taluk""THE INFLUENCE OF SKY YOGA PRACTICES ON ENHANCING GRATITUDE AMONG NGM COLLEGE STUDENTS”“ Innovative Strategies & Practices in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Process for Arts & Science Colleges towards New Education Policy-2022”“CO-CREATION MODEL OF LEARNING, TEACHING & CURRICULUM – STAFF & STUDENTS AS PARTNERS TOWARDS NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL POLICY 2022”“INNOVATION STRATEGIES AND PRACTICES IN TEACHING, LEARNING AND EVALUATION PROCESS FOR ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGES TOWARDS NEW EDUCATION POLICY- 2022”17 TH CENTURY WOMEN WARRIERS6G TECHNOLOGIES SECURITY REQUIREMENTS AND CHALLENGESA Comparative Study of Machine Learning Algorithms in Prediction of Heart DiseaseA Comparative Study on Lead Time Between Amazon and Flip KartA Comparative Study on Lead Time Between Amazon and Flip KartA Complete guide for cluster based networkA COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION OF MACHINE LEARNING IN IMAGE COMPRESSION TECHNIQUESA CRITICAL STUDY OF ADOLESCENT ALIENATION AND RADICALISATION IN FATHIMA BHUTTO’S THE RUNAWAYSA Deep Learning Approach for Real-Time Defect Classification in Skin DiseaseA Deep Multi Scale Convolution Global Pooling Neural Network Model for Identification and Classification of maize Plant DiseasesA Deep Multi Scale Convolution Global Pooling Neural Network Modelfor Identification and Classification of maize Plant DiseasesA DETAILED ANALYSIS OF THE DATA COMPRESSION TECHNIQUES IN IMAGE PROCESSINGA Kaleidoscopic study of Arundhati Roy’s The Ministry of Utmost HappinessA Method for improving the prognosis of cardiovascular disease based on ensemble classification TechniquesA new opinion mining method based on M-cuckoo with M-cat and SVM with NB classification algorithmA NOVEL ENSEMBLE CLASSIFICATION TECHNIQUE METHODA NOVEL ENSEMBLE CLASSIFICATION TECHNIQUE METHOD TO IMPROVE THE PREDICTION OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASEA Novel Portable Executable Malware Detection Using Random Forest With Feature Set Generation Algorithm (Rf-Fsga)A Novel Portable Executable Malware DetectionA Research Direction on Green Internet of Things Based Energy Efficient Smart CityA Review on Enhanced Crypto Security in Different Fields on Cloud Storage PlatformA Review on Internet of Things and its ApplicationsA SECURE PATH SELECTION METHOD FOR HIGHLY SECURE DATA TRANSMISSION IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKSA Self Organizing Map Approach for an Enhanced K-means Clustering AlgorithmA STUDY OF CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN COIMBATOREA Study of Cryptography Encryption and Compression TechniquesA STUDY OF POLICYHOLDERS SATISFACTION TOWARDS VEHICLE INSURANCEA STUDY OF POLICYHOLDERS SATISFACTION TOWARDS VEHICLE INSURANCEA STUDY OF ROBOTIC VACUUM CLEANER USING RASPBERRY PiA Study on Analysis of students discernment and Involvement in online learning during the covid-19 Pandemic situationA Study on Awareness and Challenges of Organic Products Among the Students with Reference to Coimbatore CityA study on Blended Learning a need of the dayA STUDY ON BRAND EQUITY TOWARDS REFRIGERATOR (With Special Reference to Pollachi Taluk)A STUDY ON BRAND PREFERENCE & BRAND SATISFACTION OF REFRIGERATORA STUDY ON CONSUMER AWARENESS AND SATISFACTION TOWARDS ONLINE ADVERTISEMENTA Study on Consumer Awareness of DTH ServiceA STUDY ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR OF MILKY MIST MILK (WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO POLLACHI TOWN)A STUDY ON CONSUMER CONFIDENCEA STUDY ON CONSUMER PREFERENCE AND SATISFACTION ON BRANDED PAINTS (WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO COIMBATORE DISTRICT)A STUDY ON CONSUMERS LEVEL OF SATISFACTION TOWARDS ECO-FRIENDLY PRODUCTS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO COIMBATORE DISTRICTA STUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND PROBLEMS FACED TOWARDS CREDIT CARDS BY CREDIT CARD USERSA STUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND AWARENESS ON DIGITALIZATION OF INSURANCE SECTORA STUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF BHIM UPI APPA study on customers preference and satisfaction towards E-bike with special reference to Pollachi TalukA STUDY ON EMPLOYEE WELFARE MEASURE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO V-TEXTILES, POLLACHIA STUDY ON EMPLOYEES EMPOWERMENT AT AMAR SEVA SANGAM, AYIKUDIA Study on Empowerment of women through self help groupA STUDY ON EXPORT OF LIVE ANIMALS IN INDIAA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF CARPETS AND OTHER TEXTILE FLOOR COVERINGSIN INDIAA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF COCOA IN INDIAA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF ETHANOL IN INDIAA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF FERTILISERS IN INDIAA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF MAN MADE FILMENTS IN INDIAA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF ONION IN INDIAA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF PAPER BOARD IN INDIAA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC OR CINEMATOGRAPHIC GOODS IN INDIAA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF SILKA STUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF WOOD AND ARTICLES IN INDIAA STUDY ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF HDFC BANKA STUDY ON HR PRACTICES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ROYAL CLASSIC MILLS PVT LTD, COIMBATOREA Study on Image Restoration and its Various Blind Image Deconvolution AlgorithmsA STUDY ON ISSUES AND CHALLENGES IN SMALL SCALE PUMP MANUFACTURERS IN COIMBATORE, TAMILNADUA STUDY ON JOB PERFORMANCE OF TEACHERS WORKING IN SELF-FINANCING COLLEGESA STUDY ON LEVEL OF CONVINCING TO BUY THE PRODUCT THROUGH ADVERTISEMENT AND RECALLING POTENTIAL OF TV COMMERCIAL WITH SPECIFIC REFERENCE TO CONSUMER NON-DURABLES (TOOTH PASTE, SHAMPOO, BATH SOAP, TALCUM POWDER)A STUDY ON MENTAL HEALTH AND INTERNET ADDICTION AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTSA STUDY ON PERFORMANCE OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTIN INDIAA STUDY ON POLICYHOLDERS AWARNESS ON CHILD INSURANCE PLANA STUDY ON POLICYHOLDERS PREFERENCE ON CHILD INSURANCE PLANA STUDY ON PURCHASE INFLUENCE IN TELEVISION ADVERTISEMENT - With Specific Reference to Consumer Non-Durables(Tooth Paste, Shampoo, Bath Soap, Talcum Powder)A STUDY ON SERVICE QUALITY PERCEPTION OF CUSTOMERS TOWARDS FOOD DELIVERY APP IN COIMBATORE CITYA STUDY ON SKYYOGA PRACTICE AMONG WOMENA STUDY ON SURVIVOR SYNDROME WITH REFERENCE TO BULL MACHINES PVT LTD, COIMBATOREA Study on Teachers’ Perception on Various Welfare Measures adopted by Self-Financing CollegesA Study on Teachers’ Perception on Various Welfare Measures adopted by Self-Financing CollegesA STUDY ON THE AWARENESS AND PREFERENCE LEVEL OF LIC POLICYHOLDERS OF SELECT COLLEGE TEACHERS IN COIMBATORE DISTRICTA STUDY ON USAGE OF SOURCES OF INFORMATION TO CHOOSE VARIOUS INVESTMENT AVENUESA STUDY ON VARIOUS CLASSIFICATION ALGORITHMS IN DATA MININGA Study with Special Reference to Pollachi Taluk,Tamil naduA Survey of Wireless Sensor Network in Precision Agriculture with different Cloud based IoT SchemesA Survey on Big Data in Data Mining TechniquesA SURVEY ON MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMSA SURVEY ON SMART AGRICULTURE USING WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK ON IOT WITH CLOUD COMPUTINGA Systematic Literature Review - Green Internet of Things Based Smart AgricultureA Trusted Key Management Protocol(TKMP) For Cluster based Wireless NetworksAcceptance about GST- a study with special reference to manufacturing industry in CoimbatoreAdoption of Digital Banking Services in the context of Coimbatore District of Tamil Nadu State of IndiaADVANCEMENT OF CLOUD COMPUTING IN HEALTHCARE SECTORAg/TiO2 NANOCOMPOSITE: SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION, PHOTOCATALYTIC AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITIESAgricultural Soil Analysis Using Data Mining TechniquesAGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMAI IN AGRICULTURE MARKETING: CHALLENGES, BENEFITS, START UPSAI IN SOCIAL MEDIA: OPPORTUNITIES AND PERSPECTIVESALGORITHM FOR HEART DISEASE PREDICTIONAlgorithm Using Cloud AnalystAN ANALYSIS ON EXPORT-IMPORT (EXIM) PERFORMANCE OF GEMS AND JEWELLERY IN INDIAAn Analysis on Export-Import (EXIM) Performance of Gems and Jewellery in IndiaAn Analysis on Import and Export (EXIM) Performance of Gems and Jewellery in IndiaAN EFFICIENT APPROACH OF CLUSTERING HIGH DIMENSIONAL NON-LINEAR DATA WITH NOISEAN EFFICIENT WATERSHED TRANSFORMATION TECHNIQUE TO DETECT CANCER CELLS IN HUMAN ORGANSAN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON ONLINE TEACHING AND ITS IMPACT OF MENTAL HEALTH – WITH RESPECT TO COLLEGE PROFESSORSAn Enhanced K-Means Clustering Algorithm to Improve the Accuracy of Clustering using Centroid Identification Based on Compactness FactorAn EWOA-WTDCNN Model: Effective Whale Optimization Algorithm Incorporating with Weight-Tuned Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Forecasting Indian Crop Yielding ProcessAn Implementation of Trusted Key Management Protocol (TKMP) in Wireless NetworkAn Implementation of Trusted Key Management Protocol (TKMP) in Wireless NetworkAn Improved K-Means Clustering Algorithm Based on Regional Centroid Component (RCC)AN IMPROVED PAIR BASED AUTHENTICATION FOR EFFECTIVE SECURITY TRENDING TOWARDS SOCIAL MEDIAAn Involuntary Data Extraction And InformationAN IOT BASED CONDITION MONITORING SYSTEM OF BIOGAS ELECTRICAL GENERATOR FOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONAn Ontological Approach for the Semantic Web Search and the Keyword Similarity MetricsAn Overview of Augmented RealityAN OVERVIEW OF RETAIL INDUSTRY AND DETERMINANTS OF FDI IN SELECT MACRO-ECONOMIC VARIABLES IN HOST COUNTRIES OF INDIA AND UNITED STATESAnalysis and Survey on Machine Learning AlgorithmsAnalysis and Survey on Machine Learning Algorithms in Different Data Mining ProcessAnalysis of Energy Efficient Power Scheduling in Smart Home Automation System Using Canopy and K-Means Data Mining Clustering AlgorithmsANALYSIS OF SOUTH INDIAN AGRICULTURE PRODUCTION DATA USING MACHINE LEARNING CLASSIFICATION TECHNIQUESANALYSIS OF THE FACTORS INFLUENCING STUDENT ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION USING MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUESAnalytical Study of Data Mining Techniques for Software TestingAntidandruff activity of Cassia auriculata and Cassia alata through fatty acids mediated inhibition of Malassezia furfurANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF METHANOLIC TUBER EXTRACT OF CYPERUS ROTUNDUS L.Applications of data mining and machine learning framework in aquaculture and fisheries: A reviewArtificial Intelligence and Machine LearningARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BASED SMART DUSTBIN COLLECTOR FOR SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTArtificial Intelligence in Banking and InsuranceAshtanga yogaAssessment of Water Quality Using Modified Water Quality Index and Geographical Information System in Madathukulam Taluk, Tiruppur District, Tamil Nadu, IndiaATTITUDE OF TRIBAL WOMAN TOWARDS REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHAUTOMATIC MARKER BASED MORPHOLOGICAL IMAGE SEGMENTATION, CLASSIFICATION AND DISEASE DETECTION USING SVM CLASSIFIER IN DISEASED TOMATO PLANTSAWARENESS AND INVESTMENT PATTERN OF SALARIED CLASS INVESTORS IN COIMBATORE DISTRICTAWARENESS AND PREFERENCE ON POST OFFICE SAVING SCHEMES AMONG EMPLOYEE’S IN COIMBATORE DISTRICTAWARENESS ON NEW EDUCATION POLICY AMONG SCHOOL TEACHERSAwareness towards Start-upsAyidha EzhuthuAyutha Eluthu – Thamiliyal Aayvu IthalAzadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav skill IndiaBacterial Foraging Optimization based Recurrent Neural Network Approach For Identification and Classification of Maize Plant DiseaseBacterial Foraging Optimization based Recurrent Neural Network Approach For Identification and Classification of Maize Plant DiseaseBanana – The green gold of IndiaBEHAVIOURAL PROBLEMS AMONG CHILDREN OF SUBSTANCE ABUSED PARENTSBenefits of e-CRM Services Adopted by Public Sector Banks – A Study with Special Reference to Pollachi TalukBenefits of e-CRM Services among Private Banking Customers - A Study with Special Reference to Pollachi TalukBharathiyin kavithaikalil samuthaya sindanaigalBig DataBig Data AnalyticsBioactive Phytochemical Compounds of Physalis minima L. and its Anticholinesterase and Antioxidant ActivitiesBLENDED LEARNING MODELS AND TEACHER’S ROLE IN A BLENDED LEARNING ENVIRONMENTBLENDED MODE OF TEACHING AND LEARNING FOR TEACHERS COMMUNITYBlended mode of teaching and learning for teachers communityBook Chapter on “Trends in Commerce and Management”Book chapter on Artificial Intelligence in Management and CommerceBRAILLE GLOVE VIBRATION SYSTEMBrand Choice of Mobile Phones among College StudentsBRAND EQUITY FOR REFRIGERATORBUILDING A SUCCESSFUL STARTUPS IN INDIABUYING BEHAVIOUR OF ECO-FRIENDLY PRODUCTSBuying behaviour of female consumersBUYING BEHAVIOUR OF SELECT BRANDED HERBAL PRODUCTSBUYING BEHAVIOUR OF STUDENTSCardholders awareness, Utilization and satisfactionCAREER CHOICE AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTSChallenges and Opportunities for Higher Educational InstitutionCHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS OF COCONUT EXPORTERS IN INDIAN PERSPECTIVES- AN INVESTIGATIVE STUDYCHALLENGES AND PROSPECTUS FACED BY RURAL WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN POLLACHI TALUKCHALLENGES FACED BY MUSHROOM EXPORTERS IN COIMBATORE CITY – AN ANALYTICAL STUDYChallenges faced by women entrepreneurs in Indian Society after Covid-19 PandemicCHALLENGES OF SMALL SCALL INDUSTRIEChallenging Disability Stereotypes: Unveiling the Realities of Disability and the Caregiver's Trauma in Ram's Movie PeranbuChemical Composition of Essential Oil of Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook. F. & Thomson Leaves and Its Biological ActivitiesCHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ETHANOL EXTRACT OF DIOSYPROS MONTANA ROXBERG LEAVES AND ITS BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITESCHEMICAL PROFILE AND In-vitro BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF Eupatorium adenophorum SPRENGChemical profiling of fern Cheilosoria mysurensis (Wall. ex Hook.) Ching & Shing and its biological activityChemical Profiling of Momordica charantia L. Seed Essential Oil and Its Antimicrobial ActivityChemometric Profile of Calotropis gigantea and its Antioxidant Activity through Bioactive Compounds from Latex, Leaves and Flower ExtractsChenkaantal – VazhibaduChera Kings In Sangam LiteratureCIVIC ENGAGEMENT AND ATTITUDE TOWARDS CORRUPTIONCLASSIFICATION BASED ON MULTISCALE CONVOLUTION NETWORK, BACTERIAL FORAGING OPTIMIZATION AND PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATIONCLASSIFICATION USING MACHINE LEARNINGCLCLP: Overlapping Community Detection in Networks Using a Combination of Link Community and Label Propagation AlgorithmCLOUD COMPUTINGCLOUD ENVIRONMENTcluster based VANETCO-CREATION MODEL OF LEARNING, TEACHING & CURRICULUM – STAFF & STUDENTS AS PARTNERS TOWARDS NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL POLICY 2022Co-Creation Model of Learning, Teaching & Curriculum Staff and Students as partners towards National Educational Policy 2022COCONUT AND ITS ALLIED COMMODITIES EXPORTER’S AWARENESS OF GOVERNMENT EXPORT PROMOTION SCHEMES AND PREDICTING THE INDIA’S COCONUT CULTIVATION VOLUME –AN ANALYTICAL STUDYCOCONUT EXPORTER’S AWARENESS, PERCEPTION AND ATTITUDE TOWARDS VARIOUS GOVERNMENT COCONUT PROMOTION SCHEMES & IT’s SERVICES WITH REFERENCE TO POLLACHI TALUK-AN INVESTIGATIVE STUDYComparative Analysis Of Image Segmentation Techniques And Its AlgorithmComparative Analysis Of Image Segmentation Techniques And Its AlgorithmComparative Analysis Of Image Segmentation Techniques And Its AlgorithmComparative Analysis Of Various Filtering Techniques In Image ProcessingComparative Analysis Of Various Filtering Techniques In Image ProcessingCONFLICTS FACED BY TRANSGENDERS IN INDIAN SOCIETYCONSUMER ATTITUDE AND PERCEPTION TOWARDS ECO FRIENDLY PRODUCTS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO COIMBATORE DISTRICTCONSUMER AWARENESS AND PREFERENCE OF PATANJALI PRODUCTSConsumer Behaviour on Aavin Milk and Dairy Products in Pollachi Taluk of Tamil NaduCONSUMER SATISFACTION ON PATANJALI PRODUCTSConsumers Attitude on Television AdvertisementCONSUMERS’ ATTITUDE ON TELEVISION ADVERTISING IN THE INTERNET ERACONSUMERS’ ATTITUDE ON TELEVISION ADVERTISING IN THE INTERNET ERACONSUMPTION PATTERN OF MILK AND ITS IMPACT ON AAVIN PRODUCTSContent Aware Retargeting of Stego ImagesCONTRIBUTION OF AGRICULTURE & PROCESSED FOOD PRODUCTS EXPORT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (APEDA) IS A BOON TO INDIAN ECONOMYCONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORKCOPING RISKS ON SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES-AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON PUMP AND MOTOR MANUFACTURERS IN COIMBATORE, TAMILNADUCOSMETICS EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIACOTTON EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIACredit Card Fraud Detection and Prevention In Point of Sale Using Apriori AlgorithmCultural and Traditional Conundrums in Mariama Ba’s So Long a LetterCultural Hegemony in Fatima Mernissi’s Dreams of Trespass: Tales of a Harem GirlhoodCustomer Attitude towards Ajio Online ShoppingCUSTOMER PERCEPTION TOWARDS TWO WHEELERS IN COIMBATORE DISTRICTCustomer Preference and Satisfaction on Online ShoppingCustomer Satisfaction towards Mobile BankingCUSTOMER SATISFACTION TOWARDS ONLINE PURCHASES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO WOMEN DRESS AND COSMETICS (WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO POLLACHI TALUK)CUSTOMER’S PREFERENCE TOWARDS GEMS AND JEWELLERY DURING PANDEMIC PERIOD AND ITS PRICE FLUCTUATIONS WITH REFERENCE TO COIMBATORE CITY -AN INVESTIGATIVE STUDYCUSTOMER’S PREFERENCE TOWARDS GEMS AND JEWELLERY DURING PANDEMIC PERIOD AND ITS PRICE FLUCTUATIONS WITH REFERENCE TO COIMBATORE CITY -AN INVESTIGATIVE STUDYCUSTOMER’S PREFERENCE TOWARDS GEMS AND JEWELLERY DURING PANDEMIC PERIOD AND ITS PRICE FLUCTUATIONS WITH REFERENCE TO COIMBATORE CITY -AN INVESTIGATIVE STUDYCustomers Attitude towards Ajio Online ShoppingCUSTOMERS’ SATISFACTION TOWARDS OLA CABCYBERSECURITYData Analysis Using Clustering Algorithms on IOT Based Smart AgricultureData Cleansing Algorithms for very Large Database SystemsData MiningData Mining and Machine Learning Techniques for Data AnalysisData Mining Classification Algorithms Comparison for Smart IOTData Mining TechniquesDATA MINING TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONDATA MINING TECHNIQUES USED FOR MALWARE DETECTION AND CLASSIFICATIONData Mining Techniques used for Software Testing: A SurveyDATA MININGTECHNIQUES USED FOR MALWAREDATA PRIVACY CHALLENGES AND ITS EMERGING TECHNOLOGIESDATA USING MACHINE LEARNING CLASSIFICATION TECHNIQUESdatasets and classificationDBSCAN:FAST DENSITY-BASED CLUSTERINGDeep Learning Neural NetworksDEMOGRAPHICS PERSUADE THE SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT PATTERN OF FARMERS - AN EMPIRICAL STUDYDEMOGRAPHICS PERSUADE THE SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT PATTERN OF FARMERS - AN EMPIRICAL STUDYDESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATIONS OF COLOR PIXELDesign EngineeringDesigning and Evaluating Vibration modes in Braille Glove Vibration SystemDetection and classification of skin diseasesDetection and classification of skin diseases with ensembles of deep learning networks in medical imagingDetection of Maize Stem and Leaf Diseases using Edge Detection Method to Prevent the Crops from DiseasesDetection of Maize Stem and Leaf Diseases using Edge Detection Method to Prevent the Crops from DiseasesDETERMINANTS OF BANK PREFERENCEDeterminants of Dividend Policy in Indian Automobile IndustryDeterminants of Emotional Intelligence of Physical Education TeachersDETERMINATION AND SEGMENTATION OF MAIZE PLANT DISEASE USING IMPROVED GAUSSIAN PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION ON CONVOLUTION NEURAL NETWORKDEVELOPING A SIMPLE, FAST AND POWERFUL WEB DEVELOPMENT USING DJANGODEVELOPMENT OF CROP YIELD PREDICTION MODEL IN AGRICULTURE USING IMPROVED EXTREME LEARNING MACHINEDiaspora/Transnationalism/Feminism an Enigma of Cultures in Jhumpa Lahiri’s NovelsDietary Methods of Curing Diseases in the Scriptures of LawDifferential Privacy Strategies for Improving Privacy on the Internet of ThingsDifferential Privacy Techniques-Based Information Security for Cyber Physical System Applications - An OverviewDigital Learning in EducationDIGITALIZATION’S IMPACT ON PUBLIC WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO E-GOVERNANCE – AN ATTITUDINAL APPROACHDIGITALIZATION’S IMPACT ON PUBLIC WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO EGOVERNANCE – AN ATTITUDINAL APPDIRECT SELLING SYSTEMDLBPS: Dynamic Load Balancing Privacy Path Selection Routing in Wireless NetworksDLBPS: Dynamic Load Balancing Privacy Path Selection Routing in Wireless NetworksDNA MICROARRAY DATA REDUCTION METHOD FOR DIMENSIONALITY PROBLEMSEASTERN IDEOLOGY AND HYBRID EMPATHY IN MICHAEL ONDAATJE’S NOVEL ANIL’S GHOSTEco-Friendly Dyeing of Cotton Fabric from Aqueous Herbal Extracts and its Antibacterial ActivityECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN INDIAECONOMIC IMPACT AND ECOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITY OF WOMEN STREET VENDORS –POST COVID-19-WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO COIMBATORE DISTRICTEdible Coating from Nontoxic Biomaterials for Extending Shelf Life of fruits and VegetablesEDUCATIONAL DATA MININGEffect of herbal spray for coconut copra process, storage and Post-harvest disease managementEffect of SKY Yoga practice with Vision Impairment among NGM College studentsEffective Search Engine Spam ClassificationEFFECTIVENESS OF ONLINE APPS IN COVID19Effects of Different Precursors on Particle Size and Optical–Magnetic Properties of ZnCr 2O4 Nanoparticles Prepared by Microwave-Assisted MethodEffects of Trusts on Television Advertising Format and Program RatingEFFICIENT BROADCASTING PROTOCOL IN VANETsEFFICIENT JOB SCHEDULING USING TASK CLASSIFIER AND FIREFLY OPTIMIZATION IN CLOUDEFFICIENT TASK SCHEDULING AND LOAD BALANCING TECHNIQUES TO OPTIMIZE RESOURCE UTILIZATION IN CLOUD ENVIRONMENTEmerging Trends and Themes in English Language and LiteratureEmerging Trends in Commerce and Management 2022EMERGING TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ETIST-2021)EMPOWERING WOMEN THROUGH ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT IN ECONOMIESEmpowerment of Rural Communities through innovations in Science and TechnologyEnhanced Graph Theoretic ModelingENHANCED IMAGE COMPRESSION USING WAVELET MODIFIED SINGLE LAYER LINEAR COUNTER PROPAGATION NETWORKEnhanced Image SegmentationENHANCED WEIGHTED QUADRATIC RANDOM FOREST ALGORITHM FOR HEART DISEASE PREDICTIONENHANCED WEIGHTED QUADRATIC RANDOM FOREST ALGORITHMENHANCED WEIGHTED QUADRATIC RANDOM FOREST ALGORITHM FOR HEART DISEASE PREDICTIONEnriching the nation through empowering women – challenges and opportunitiesENSEMBLE CLASSIFICATION FOR IMBALANCED DATA USING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMEssential Oil Composition and Biological Activities of Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa Grown in Western Ghats Region-South IndiaEthnographic Elements in the Novel KurunjithenEVALUATING THE SYNERGISTIC EFFECTS OF YOGA AND A PLANT-BASED DIET ON GLYCEMIC CONTROL AND INSULIN SENSITIVITY IN TYPE 2 DIABETES MANAGEMENTEvaluation of Anti-Dandruff Activity of Poly Herbal Hair Oil against the Fungus Malassezia FurfurEvaluation of phytoconstituents of Andrographis paniculata and its IN VITRO antioxidant activity against DPPH and ABTS assayEVALUATION OF PHYTOCONSTITUENTS OF FERONIA LIMONIA AND ITS IN VITRO CYTOTOXICITYEXPLOIATION AND SUBJUGATION OF WOMEN IN MODERN INDIAExploitation and Subjugation of Women Portrayed in Anitanair‟s MistressEXPLORATION OF DIGITAL IMAGE TAMPERING USING ENHANCED FEATURE EXTRACTION ALGORITHMS IN MACHINE LEARNINGExploration of various Feature Extraction Techniques using ORL DatabaseEXPLORATORY RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES OF COMPUTING IN LIFE SCIENCESEXPLORATORY STUDY ON ISSUES FACED BY CUSTOMER (VIA ONLINE BUYINGEXPLORATORY STUDY ON ISSUES FACED BY CUSTOMER (VIA ONLINE BUYING)Exploring and Deploring Tradition to Redress and Redefine Individual Desires in Flora NWAPA’S EFURUExploring the technological advancements in business-the future perspectiveEXPORT ANALYSIS OF LEATHER AND LEATHER PRODUCTSEXPORT PERFORMANCE OF COIR PRODUCTS FROM INDIAEXPORT PERFORMANCE OFAPEDA IN INDIAFACE RECOGNITION AND EMOTION DETECTION USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEFacial Recognition Algorithm with Graphical Isomorphism – A SurveyFactors Impacting online buying behaviour of College girl student’s towards sariFACTORS INFLUENCES TOWARDS INVESTMENT DECISION OF RURAL POLICYHOLDERSFactors Influencing Dividend Payout in Select Cement Companies in IndiaFACTORS INFLUENCING EMPLOYEE RETENTION: AN EMPIRICAL STUDYFactors Influencing The Choice Of Herbal ProductsFACTORS INFLUENCING THE RURAL PEOPLE IN THE CHOICE OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND CAREER PROGRESSION, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO UDUMALPET TALUKFDI in the Retail Sector and its Impact on Select Macro-Economic Vairables: A Comparitive Study of India & ChinaFinancial Inclusion of Street HawkersFloristic Diversity and Ethnobotanical Studies of Nandha Gopalasamy Hill Temple Sacred Grove of Western Ghats, Pollachi Taluk, CoimbatoreFOOTWEAR EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIAFRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PRODUCTS EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIAFRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PRODUCTS EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIAFrontiers of Chemical SciencesFRUIT GRADE VERIFICATION USING IMAGE PROCESSING TECHNIQUESFundamentals of ComputerFunerary Customs Practised in Tamil BuddhistFuzzy Distribution Elephant Herding Optimization (Fdeho) Based Feature Selection and Icgan-Edsvm for Predicting Student PerformanceGC-MS Analysis, Phytochemical Screening and Biological Activity of Bauhinia tomentosa (Linn.)GLASS AND GLASS WAREEXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIAGlobal Leadership among young minds in Pollachi regionGood Vs Evil: Redefining the Meaning of Good and Evil with an Alternate Perspective in Anand Neelakandan’s Asura: Tale of the VanquishedGovernment and Private Employee’s Satisfaction on Post Office Savings SchemesGOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE EMPLOYEES AWARENESSON POST OFFICE SAVING SCHEMESGRATIFICATION TOWARDS MOBILE PAYMENT USERS IN COIMBATORE DISTRICTGreen Data Mining (G-DM) BASED Energy Consumption on Internet of Things: A ReviewGreen Data Mining Based Energy Consumption on IOT - A ReviewGREEN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH FOR THE SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE IN INDIAGREEN INITIATIVES IN BUSINESS – AN INSIGHT OVER THE PROS, CONS AND NOTIONS BEHIND ITGreen Internet of Things Research Direction for Energy Efficient Smart Cities based on G-IOTGreen Internet of Things: A Research Direction on G-IoT Based Energy Efficient Smart CityGreen IoT Based Smart Agriculture: A Systematic Literature ReviewGREEN MARKETING AND ITS STRATEGIESGREEN SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES FROM ULVA FASCIATA DELILE.GREEN SYNTHESIS OF REDUCED GRAPHENE OXIDE SILVER NANOCOMPOSITE USING Anisomeles malabarica (L.) R. BR. LEAF EXTRACT AND ITS ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITYGreen Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Chaetomorpha antennina (Bory) Kützing and its Antibacterial ActivityGround and surface water quality assessment of Palladam Taluk using Geographical Information System and Modified National Sanitation Foundation -Water Quality IndexHardware Control Procedure Used in Braille Glove VibrationHARMONIZING ANCIENT TRADITIONS WITH CONTEMPORARY SCIENCE: EXPLORING THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS OF YOGAHarmony in Family BusinessHeart Disease Data Pre-Processing Using Enhanced Data Mining TechniquesHeart Disease Data Pre-Processing Using Enhanced Data Mining TechniquesHIERARICAL CLUSTER BASED DATA PRE-PROCESSINGHumanistic Approaches in ELTHumanities and Social Science StudiesHumanityHybridization of Linear Support Vector Machine and Spectral Clustering Technique for User Web Log FilesIDENTIFICATION AND QUANTIFICATION OF PHYTOCHEMICALS IN HEMIONITIS OPPOSITA (KAULF.) CHRISTENH, AN UNEXPLORED FERN OF VALPARAI HILLSIdentification of Bioactive Compounds Present in the Crude Methanolic Leaf Extract of Acalypha Fruticosa Forssk. through GC-MS AnalysisIlakkiangalil Thirukural Unarthum Manitha neyamum MaruthuvamumIlakkiyangalil ManithaneyamIlangalai Maanavargalukku Tamil Ilakkanam Katpithalil Erpadum Sikkalkalum TheervugalumILLUMINATING BRAIN TUMOR IN MRI METAPHORS BY USING SVM CLASSIFIERILLUMINATING BRAIN TUMOR IN MRI METAPHORS BY USING A HYBRID MODEL OF FASTER R-CNN AND SVMIMAGE PROCESSING TECHNIQUESImage Processing Techniques In Agriculture For Plant Disease Detection And Weed DetectionImage Segmentation K-Means Clustering AlgorithmImpact of Artificial Intelligence on the future insuranceIMPACT OF CHRONIC STRESS TOWARDS SELF-DESTRUCTION ATTITUDEIMPACT OF DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS ON CUSTOMERS SATISFACTION IN DIGITALISED BANKING SERVICESImpact of Demonetisation on cash to cashless Economy among Job GoersIMPACT OF DIGITAL LEARNING IN EDUCATION SECTOR : A PANDEMIC PERSPECTIVEIMPACT OF DIGITAL LEARNING IN EDUCATION SECTOR : A PANDEMIC PERSPECTIVEImpact of Digital Learning in Education Sector: A Pandemic Perspective - VolImpact of Digitalisation in the TertiaryImpact of Digitalization in the Tertiary BusinessIMPACT OF FACEBOOK ADVERTISING ON BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF MILLENNIALIMPACT OF IoTIMPACT OF NEW EDUCATION POLICY (NEP) AMONG FUTURE GENERATIONImpact of Simplified Kundalini yoga on Sinus problem among College Women StudentsIMPACT OF SOCIO ECONOMIC FACTORS ON THE NATURE OF WORK IN UNORGANISED SECTORIMPACT OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROFILEImpact of Stress in Multinational Banks in Pollachi RegionIMPACT OF WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATIONImplementation of ICT Skills for the Students for their Employment in Skill Based JobIMPLEMENTATION OF ICT SKILLS FOR THE STUDENTS FOR THEIR EMPLOYMENT IN SKILL BASED JOBSImplementation of ICT Skills for the Students for their Employment in Skill Based Jobs . Vol.1Implementation of ICT skills for the students for their employment in skill based jobs vol.IImplementation of ICT skills for the students for their employment in skill based jobs vol.IIImplementation of ICT skills for the students of their employment in skill based jobsImplementation of Improved Throttled Load Balancing Algorithm Using Cloud AnalystIMPLEMENTATION ON ENHANCING SECURITY OF ECOMMERCE SITE FOR DIGITAL MARKETINGImplications of COVID-19: Problems & ConsequencesImportance of Adult Education in Professional Development EducationIn vitro Anticancer and Antioxidant potential of Essential oil of Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Simth grown in Western Ghats region-South IndiaIn vitro antifungal activity of formulated floral extracts against_Malassezia furfurIn Vitro Antioxidant Activities of Methanolic Extracts of Henckelia Incana (VAHL) Spering.IN VITRO CYTOTOXICITY POTENTIAL OF ETHANOL EXTRACT OF SYZYGIUM SAMARANGENSE (Wt.)India Means Business – Reform Perform & TransformIndia Means Business Reform Perform & TransformIndia Means Business-Reform, Perform and TransformationINDIA’S INFRASTRUCTURAL FACILITIES STATUS OF MULTI-MODAL TRANSPORT SECTOR - AN INVESTIGATIVE STUDYIndian Culture and Tradition – Restore, Replenish & Accomplish to AchieveIndian Diaspora: National Integration Across the BordersIndustrial Engineering and ManagementINDUSTRIAL INTERNET OF THINGS (IIOT) AND INDUSTRY 4.0INFLUENCE OF TRADITIONAL YOGA TRAINING ON SINUS PROBLEM AMONG COLLEGE WOMEN STUDENTSINFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY IN 21ST CENTURY TEACHING AND LEARNINGINFORMATION SEEKING BEHAVIOUR OF INDIVIDUAL EQUITY INVESTORSINFRASTRUCTURE AND INFRASTRUCTURAL FACILITIES STATUS OF INDIAN MULTI MODAL TRANSPORTATION SECTORS IN MARINE TRADE –AN ANALYTICAL STUDYInnovation Strategies and Practices in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation process for Arts and Science Colleges towards new Education Policy 2022Innovations & Current Trends in Research, Commerce, Business, Economics and Information TechnologyInnovations strategies& practices in teaching, learning and evaluation process for Arts and Science College towards NEP -2022Innovative Strategies & Practices in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Process for Arts & Science Colleges towards NEP-2022Insecticidal potential of certain common ferns on Rugose spiralling whitefly, Aleurodicus rugioperculatus Martin (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)Insecticidal potential of ferns on whiteflyInsurance 2030 - Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the future of InsuranceINTEGRATING IOT, MOBILE AND CLOUD BASED BIG DATA ANALYTICSINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTEMPORARY APPROACHES TO EMPOWER SMART FUTURE THROUGH DIGITALIZATIONInternational Conference on Emerging Trends in Science and Technology (ETIST 2021)Internet of ThingsINTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) IN HOUSEHOLD ITEMSInternet of Things and its ApplicationsInternet of Things Using Differential Privacy StrategiesInvestigation of CybersecurityIOT BASED GARBAGE MONITORING SYSTEMIoT Based Smart Agriculture SystemIOT Based Smart Security and Automation towards work Life BalanceIOT– BASED AIR QUALITY MONITORING SYSTEMIRON AND STEEL EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIAIsolation and identification of terpenoid compounds from the folklore medicinal plant, Acacia caesia (L.) willd. LeavesJOB SATISFACTION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERS IN COIMBATORE DISTRICTKadaiyelu Vallalkalin Manithaneya maanbukalKambanin Padaibaalumaiyil Veedanin PanbaalumaiKambanin Padaipaalumayil Veedanin PanpaalumaiKavignar M. Thangarasanin ‘Mathulankani’ Kavithai thoguppil velipadum samuthaya SindanaigalKavignar M. Thangarasanin ‘Panithuli’ Kavitha thoguppin vazhi Vaazhvial SindanaigalKnowledge graph embeddingKnowledge graph embedding via the Properties of mapping and dynamic matrixLEARNING RESPONSIBILITYLifestyle of Ancient People's in KalithokaiLOAD BALANCING OPTIMIZATION FORECAST ANALYSIS IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS USING NETWORK ENERGY EFFICIENT PROTOCOLLOAD BALANCING OPTIMIZATION FORECAST ANALYSIS IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS USING NETWORK ENERGY EFFICIENT PROTOCOLLoad Harmonizing Architectural Design Scheme for CBPR NetworksLocal binary fitting Median FilteLocal binary fitting Median Filter for noise reduction in lung image datasets and classificationLogistics ServicesLONG TERM SOLVENCY ANALYSIS OF SELECT PASSENGER CAR COMPANIES IN INDIAM-Denclue for Effective Data Clustering in High Dimensional Non-Linear DataM-Denclue for Effective Data Clustering in High Dimensional Non-Linear Data WoSMACHINE LEARNINGMACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMMACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMSMACHINE LEARNING AND DEEP LEARNING ALGORITHMSMACHINE LEARNING AND DEEP LEARNING TECHNIQUES FOR CLASSIFICATION OF SKIN DISEASE DIAGNOSIS: A REVIEWMACHINE LEARNING CLASSIFICATION ALGORITHMSMACHINE LEARNING: CONCEPTS, ALGORITHMS AND APPLICATIONS - 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LEACH and AOMDV ProtocolNickel ferrite-based composites and its photocatalytic application – A reviewNoiy Ethirppu Sakthiyai Athikarikkum PranayamamNovel Materials of Sustainable FutureNOVEL MULTISTAGE CONTENT BASED IMAGE RETRIEVAL APPROACH USING CURVELET LAPLICIENT FILTERNOVEL MULTISTAGE CONTENT BASED IMAGE RETRIEVAL APPROACH USING CURVELET LAPLICIENT FILTERNOVEL TEMPORAL SEQUENCE PATTERN BASED HUMAN ACTIVITY PREDICTION USING DVSM APPROACHNOVEL TEMPORAL SEQUENCE PATTERN BASED HUMAN ACTIVITY PREDICTION USING DVSM APPROACHObject oriented JavaScript generalization techniqueOnline Apparel Buying Behaviour of College GirlsOnline Shopping Behaviour of Employed WomenOPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES FACED BY THE SELECTED ORGANIC PRODUCT EXPORTERS IN INDIA- AN EMPIRICAL STUDYOptimised Image Resizing using Peicewise Seam CarvingORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE AND JOB SATISFACTION IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONSOverlapping Community Detection in NetworksPandayathamilaril Maruthuva ArivuPandemic and Business SustainabilityPandiyarkalin AazhumaiPanmuganokkil Bharathiyin PadaippugalPath Detection Protocol in Wireless Adhoc NetworksPazhanthamilarin thozhilnutpa arivuPERCEIVED ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT AND EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONSPERCEPTION ABOUT NEW EDUCATION POLICY (NEP) IN TEACHING FRATERNITY- WITH RESPECT TO COIMBATORE CITYPERCEPTION AND SATISFACTION OF CUSTOMERS TOWARDS ONLINE FOOD DELIVERY SYSTEMS WITH REFERENCE TO COIMBATORE DISTRICTPERCEPTION AND SATISFACTION OF RURAL POLICY HOLDERS TOWARDS PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED BY LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA IN COIMBATOREPERCEPTION TOWARDS BAN ON PLASTIC BAGSPERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF MACHINE LEARNING CLASSIFICATION TECHNIQUESPerformance Analysis of Various Filtering Techniques for Smoothing and Sharpening the Brain Tumour ImagesPerformance Analysis of Various Filtering Techniques for Smoothing and Sharpening the Brain Tumour ImagesPERFORMANCE APPRAISAL MANAGEMENT - A MOTIVATION TO EMPLOYEEPERFORMANCE APPRAISAL MANAGEMENT - A MOTIVATION TO EMPLOYEEPERFORMANCE OF SELECT OIL AND PETROLEUM COMPANIES IN INDIA WITH RESPECT TO PROFITABILITY AND LIQUIDITY ANALYSISPERSPECTIVE OF ICT TOOLS IN EDUCATIONPERSPECTIVE OF ICT TOOLS IN EDUCATIONPharmacognostical Characterisation and Phytochemical Profiling of the Medicinal Plant, Ehretia ovaliafolia WightPharmacognostical Evaluation and Phytochemical Profiling of Important Plant Species Zizhyphus Oenoplia L.PHARMACOGNOSTICAL, PHYTOCHEMICAL AND ANATOMICAL EVALUTION OF CRATEVA RELIGIOSA G.FORSTPhysics concepts in sangam literaturePHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS AND INVITRO ANTICANCER ACTIVITY OF ETHANOL EXTRACT OF WRIGHTIA TINCTORIAPHYTOCHEMICAL_ANALYSIS_SYNTHESIS_OF_SILVER_NANOPARTICLES_AND_ITS_ANTIBACTERIAL_ACTIVITY_FROM_CYPERUS_BREVIFOLIUS_LPlanets in Sangam LiteraturePlant SciencePlant SciencesPLIGHT OF STRUGLES TO GAIN SELF-ASSERTION AND SELFIDENTITY OF WOMEN PROTRAYED IN ANITA NAIR'S LADIES COUPEPoosalaar naayanaarin Thannambikkaiyum Yoga NilaiyumPoosalaar Nayanarin Thannambikaiyum YoganilaiyumPotential Applications of Data Mining in AquaculturePrediction and Classification of Pomegranate Fruit Disease Using Proficient ClassifierPREDICTION OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASEPreference of Using Information and Communication Technology Among E-Entrepreneurs in Digital MarketingPreferences and Awareness Level about Baby Products through Online ShoppingPRELIMINARY PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF THE FERN CHEILOSORIAMYSURENSIS(WALL. EX HOOK.) CHING & SHING AND ITS ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITYPrinciples of Social Discipline and Oratorial Skills in Professor‟s “Annal Hanuman”Privacy Enhancement on Internet of Things Using Differential Privacy StrategiesPROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF BUYING PRODUCTS THROUGH ONLINEPROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF BUYING PRODUCTS THROUGH ONLINEPROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF COIR INDUSTRYProblems faced by Entrepreneurs during pandemic – A study with special reference to Pollachi talukPROBLEMS FACED BY HUMAN RESOURCE PROFESSIONALS IN COIR INDUSTRYPROBLEMS FACED BY RURAL HANDLOOM WEAVERSPROBLEMS FACED BY WOMEN EMPOWERMENT IN NCCProblems faced by women handloom weavers in Pollachi TalukPROBLEMS IN DIGITALISED BANKING – AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION IN COIMBATORE DISTRICTPRODUCTION AND SALES FORECAST OF FOUNDRY INDUSTRYPRODUCTION DRIVERS OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE PUMP MANUFACTURERS IN COIMBATORE DISTRICT: AN EMPIRICAL STUDYProduction of Degradable Bio Plastics from Invasive Alien Plants in Anamalais, the Western GhatsPROFITABILITY AND TREND ANALYSIS OF SELECT RETAIL COMPANIES IN INDIAProspect of Online Education in Coimbatore DistrictProspects of Flower Business in Coimbatore and Tiruppur DistrictPUBLIC HEALTH CENTERS ROLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL COMMUNITIES – A DECISIVE APPROACHPulamaiyum ManithaneyamumPuthukavithaigal unarthum puraiyodia manithaneyamQuality of Work Life among Employees in MSME'S with reference to Coimbatore DistQuantitative phytochemical screening of Filicium decipiens Wight & Arn. leavesQUEST FOR SELF-ACTUALIZATION AND SELF-REALIZATION IN ANITA NAIR’S THE BETTER MANRandom Forest With Feature Set Generation Algorithm (Rf-Fsga)READING HABIT IN DIGITAL ERAReal-Time Applications of Machine Learning in Cyber-Physical SystemsREASONS TO CHOOSE LIC INSURANCE POLICYRecent Trends in Commerce & ManagementRecent Trends in Commerce and ManagementRecent trends in Computer ScienceRehabilitation of small scale industries through skill IndiaResearch Methodology in Commerce, Business and EconomicsResearch Trends in Commerce and ManagementResource Optimized Ensemble Gradient Boosting Classifier for Traffic Aware Big Data AnalyticsRETAILERS IN FOOD AND GROCERY RETAILINGRETAILERS IN FOOD AND GROCERY RETAILINGREVIEW ON MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMREVIEWS OF BRAND EQUITY DIMENSIONSRICE EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIARISK OF EQUITY INVESTORSROLE OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN UPLIFTING THE RURAL PEOPLE IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND CAREER PLANNING, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO UDUMALPET TALUKROLE OF TEACHERS AND STUDENTS IN NEPROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN NEP 2020 (INTEGRATION OF TECHNOLOGY: A KEY FACTOR OF NEP 2020)RUBBER EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIARURAL CONSUMER SATISFACTION TOWARDS ONLINE SHOPPINGRURAL FARMER AWARENESS ON CROP INSURANCE SCHEME IN POLLACHI TALUKRURAL FARMER SATISFACTION ON CROP INSURANCE SCHEME IN POLLACHI TALUKRURAL POLICYHOLDERS AWARENESS AND SATISFACTION ON ONLINE SERVICES OF LICRURAL POLICYHOLDERS SATISFACTION TOWARDS THE OFFICE SERVICES OF LICRural Policyholders' Preference on Health InsuranceRURAL POLICYHOLDERS’ AWARENESS ON HEALTH INSURANCERURAL STUDENTS AND YOUTH EMBRACING DIGITAL MEDIUM TO CONTINUE LEARNING DURING COVID-19RURAL STUDENTS AND YOUTH EMBRACING DIGITAL MEDIUM TO CONTINUE LEARNING DURING COVID-19Rural Students and Youth Embracing Digital Medium to Continue Learning during Covid-19Rural Women EntrepreneurshipRural Women Empowerment through EntrepreneurshipRURAL WOMEN EMPOWERMENT THROUGH SKILL DEVELPOMENTRURAL WORKING WOMEN POLICYHOLDERS AWARENESS ON THE POLICIES OFFERED BY LICRuthenium(III) and (II) complexes containing pyridine moiety: Synthesis, crystal structure and in vitro biological evaluationSanga ilakkiathil manitha uravugalSanga Ilakkiathil Thozhilgalum Thozhilnutpa PathivugalumSanga Ilakkiathil Velaansaar Ariviyal ThozhilnutpangalSATISFACTION LEVEL OF IMPULSIVE BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF WOMEN MILLENNIAL CONSUMERS ONONLINE SHOPPING DURING PANDEMICSatisfaction of Goods and Services among Small and Medium Traders in and Around Pollachi TalukSATISFACTION OF WORKINGWOMEN POLICYHOLDERS’ ON THE SERVICES OFLICScanty Data Using Bernoulli scheme based Markov ClassifierScientific Concepts in Sangam LiteratureScreening of Phytochemicals and Antimicrobial Activity of Lithophytic Fern Pyrrosia porosa (C.Presl) HovenkampSecure and Energy Efficient Scheme for smart agriculture using IoAT and BlockchainSecure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks: A ReviewSELECTION OF FEATURES ASSOCIATED WITH CORONARY ARTERY DISEASES (CAD) USING FEATURE SELECTION TECHNIQUES.SELF IMMOLATION ATTITUDE AMONG SCHOOL STUDENTS ON ACUTE STRESSSELF-ESTEEM OF RURAL WOMEN: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON SELF-HELP GROUPSemantic Web Application and Ontology Language for World Wide WebSENSORSSevviyal Noolgalil puvisaar padivugalum vaansaar padivugalSevviyal Noolkalil Puvisaar Pathivugalum Vaansaar PathivugalumSexual Education through SpiritualitySHORT TERM SOLVENCY ANALYSIS OF SELECT PASSENGER CAR COMPANIES IN INDIASiddar Ilakkiangalil Manitha NeyamSkin Disease Segmentation and Classification using deep learner network modelSKY YOGA - A YOGA FOR MODERN AGE-A GLIMPSESocial Status of Women Working in Unorganised Sector and It Impact on Living ConditionSocial Status of Women Working in Unorganised Sector and It Impact on Living ConditionSOIL TEST BASED SMART AGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSolid State TechnologySpiritual and Social Ethics revealed by Professor’s PeriyazhvarSpirituality Fosters HumanityStatic and Dynamic Routing ProtocolsSTATIC AND DYNAMIC ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR WIRELESS NETWORKS ANStrategies & Practices in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Process for Arts & Science CollegesStudent’s Perception towards Celebrity EndorsementStudents as Partners : Reflections on a Conceptual Model of Learning, Teaching and CurriculumStudents as Partners: Reflections on a Conceptual Model of Learning, Teaching and CurriculumSTUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON ONLINE EDUCATIONStudies on clastogenic activity caused by synthetic red food colour dye on the root tips of Allium cepa L.Studies on the Cellulolytic Microorganisms and their Application on Recycling of Organic Wastes from Pollachi TalukSTUDY ON EMERGING IMPORTANCE OF CLOUD BASED IOT SCHEME WITH WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK IN PRECISION AGRICULTURE USING CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMSTUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF FISH PRODUCTS IN INDIASTUDY ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF FISH PRODUCTS IN INDIAStudy on genetic diversity in the different populations of Acalypha fruticosa forssk by using RAPD analysis inhabiting foot hills of Southern Western GhatsSTUDY ON MACHINE LEARNING AND CRYPTOGRAPHIC METHODS FOR IMAGE COMPRESSION AND SECURED TRANSMISSIONSTUDY ON NON CO-OPERATION MOVEMENT IN FREEDOM STRUGGLEStudy on Recruitment & Selection of Man Power in Export Concern Located in Tiruppur DistrictSundarakandathil Manithaneya MaanbugalSUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (SCM) PRACTICES AND ITS EFFECTS ON TEXTILE INDUSTRIES IN COIMBATORE DISTRICTSupport Vector RegressionSupport Vector Regression based Mapreduce Throttled Load Balancer for Data CentersSurvey and Analysis of 3D steganographySustainability of Sugar Factory in Tamil Nadu, IndiaSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTS THROUGH MSMEs: A PATHWAY TO SELF-RELIANT INDIASWAMI VIVEKANANDA’S CONCEPT OF UNIVERSAL RELIGIONSwami Vivekanandharum Mahakavi BharathiyarumSWARM INTELLIGENCE ALGORITHMS FOR RE-RANKING OF WEB SEARCH RESULTSTamil AazhiTamil Ilakkiangalil Aramum ArulumTamil magan puthinangalil kudumba uravugalTamil pezhaiTamilar vaazhvum AURA pala unavu ThittamumTaxonomic Significance on Morphological and Anatomical Characters of Cardiospermum Halicacabum L. and Cardiospermum CorindumL. (Sapindaceae)Technological trends transforming insurance industryTechnology Startups: Innovation and GrowthTELEVISION VIEWING BEHAVIOUR OF CONSUMERS AND TELEVISION ADVERTISEMENTS’ IMPACT ON CONSUMERS’ PURCHASE DECISIONThamizh Ilakkiathil AalumaiThamizharivu Cholai & Tamil Ilakkiangalil NirangalThanimanitha Vetrikku Valluvanin AlumaikoorugalTHE IMPACT OF “PAZHAMOZHI NAANOORU” IN ENRICHING THE SOCIETY THROUGH ADMINISTRATIONThe impact of sky yoga practices on Psychological wellbeing among womenTHE IMPACT OF SKY YOGA PRACTICES ON ENHANCING HAPPINESS AND GRATITUDE AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTSTHE IMPACT OF SKY YOGA PRACTICES ON QUALITY OF LIFE OF WOMENTHE IMPACT OF SKY YOGA PRACTICES ON RESILIENCE AMONG THE WOMENThe impact of sky yoga practices on resilience among womenTHE IMPACT OF STRESS ON BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS: UNDERSTANDING THE CONNECTION OF YOGA AND DIET IN MANAGING ITTHE INFLUENCE OF (SKY YOGA) EYE EXERCISE AND LAMP GAZING PRACTICE ON VISUAL FUNCTIONING AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTSTHE PREDICTION OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASEThe Principles of Integral Yoga Substantiates the Principles of Sky YogaTHE ROLE OF BLOCKCHAIN IN 6G: CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES AND RESEARCH DIRECTIONSTHE SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF COIR WORKERS IN THANJAVUR DISTRICTTHE VIRTUES OF YOUNG PEOPLE CREATING THE FUTURETHERAPEUTIC ROLE OF YOGA INTYPE2 DIABETESThirukuralil Thani Manitha Aalumai MembaduTO STUDY THE IMPACT OF DRUG ADDICTION AND THEIR LIFESTYLE BELOW THE AGE OF 25 WITH REFERENCE TO POLLACHI TALUKTO STUDY THE IMPACT OF DRUG ADDICTION AND THEIR LIFESTYLEABOVE THE AGE OF 25 WITH REFERENCE TO POLLACHI TALUKTOP 15 COMMODITIES EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN INDIATowards Analyzing the Prediction of Developing Cardiovascular Disease using Implementation of Machine Learning TechniquesTrading Method of Individual Equity InvestorsTraffic Aware Big Data AnalyticsTRANSFORMATION OF PEOPLE TO DIGITAL BANKINGTRANSFORMATION SEARCH: ENHANCING WEB PAGE RE-RANKING WITH TRANSFORMER-BASED DEEP LEARNING ALGORITHMSTurkish Journal - SRCUdarpayirchiyum udalnala membadumUrai MurasuUraimurasuUSAGE AND PREFERENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA SITES AMONG STUDENTS AN ATTITUDINAL INSIGHTUSER PREFERENCE AND AWARENESS ON DIGITAL PAYMENT SYSTEMS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO DIGITAL INDIA PROGRAMMEUser’s Satisfaction on Social Media NetworkUsers Perception towards Google PayUsing Image Mining TechniquesUSING MACHINE LEARNING CLASSIFICATION TECHNIQUESVa.Mu. Komuvin sirukathaikalil – uravu nilaiVaanithasanin Kulandai IlakkiamVEGETATION MONITORINGVehicular Ad-hoc NetworkVIOLENCE, PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA AND THE QUEST FOR FAMILIAL BOND IN MICHAEL ONDAATJE’S NOVEL WARLIGHTVirginity Test: Trauma of Misogynistic Cultural Practices in Edwidge Danticat’s Breath, Eyes, MemoryVISION FOR VISHWA GURU INDIA: INITIATIVES FOR GLOBAL LEADERSHIP BY 2047Vision for Vishwa Guru India: Initiatives for Global Leadership by 2047WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF UDUMALPET TALUK, SOUTH INDIA USING MNSF-WQI AND GIS METHODWeb based media InformationWEIGHT BASED PRE-PROCESSING ALGORITHM (WBPA)Wireless Sensor NetworksWOMAN EMPOWERMENT THRPUGH FINANCIAL INCLUSIONWomen Consumers’ Price Consciousness on ApparelsWomen Employment, Entrepreneurship and Empowerment - Vol IIWOMEN EMPLOYMENT, ENTREPRENUERSHIP AND EMPOWERMENTWOMEN EMPOWERMENT IN NCCWOMEN EMPOWERMENT THROUGH FINANCIAL INCLUSIONWomen Empowerment through Financial InclusionWomen Empowerment through financial inclusion - vol.IWOMEN ENTREPRENEURSWOMEN ENTREPRENEURS FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS ON WEALTH CREATIONWOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIPWOMEN INVESTORS LEVEL OF AWARENESS ON POST OFFICE SAVING SCHEMESWOMEN'S EMPLOYMENT, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND EMPOWERMENTWOMEN’S EMPLOYMENT, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND EMPOWERMENT – VOL IWomen’s Employment, Entrepreneurship And EmpowermentWomen’s Store Choice DeterminantsWOMENEM POWERMENT THROUGH MICROFINANCEWomens Employment, Entrepreneurship – Opportunities and Threads in IndiaWorking Women Policyholders’ Awareness on the Policies Offered and Facilities Provided by LICWorking Women Preference for Handloom SarisWorld without WarYOGIC PRACTICES AND MINDFULNESS Publisher Select...IJCRTIJCRT - Research gateInternational Conference - IB Dept. - NGM CollegeINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH IN SCIENCE ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY(IJRSET)International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)International Research Journal of Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies (IRJHIS)PJAEE - PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / EgyptologyThe British Journal of Administrative Management2022 Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT)A Conference, NGM Collegea-IJCRT _220989ADALYA JOURNALAEGAEUM JOURNALAESAgricultural Science DigestAIMS Journal of ManagementAlochana Chakra JournalAmerican International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (AIJRSTEM)American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engine (AIJRSTEM)American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & MathematicsAmerican International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (AIJRSTEM)An International Journal of Tamil StudiesANVESAK ISSN : 0378 – 4568 UGC Care Group 1 JournalANVESAK - UGC Care Group 1 JournalANVESAK UGC Care Group 1 JournalANVESAK-UGC Care Group JournalANVESAK, UGC Care GroupARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied SciencesAsia Pacific Journal of ResearchAsian Journal of ChemistryASIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT RESEARCHAUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF BASIC AND APPLIED SCIENCEAyidha Ezhuthu-An International Journal of Tamil StudiesAytha Ezhuthu – An International Journal of Tamil studiesBharathi Ninaivu Nootrandu AaivukkovaiBI-LINGUAL INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNALBlended Mode of Teaching and Learning for Teachers CommunityBodhi - An International Journal of Research in Humanities Arts & ScienceBodhi – International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts & ScienceBodhi-International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and ScienceBook Chapter on Artificial Intelligence in Management and Commerce, KMG CASCBA PublishersCiiT International Journal of Programmable Device Circuits and SystemsCiiT International Journal of Programmable Device Circuits and Systems, Vol 11, No 12, December 2019Classical Tamizh (A Quarterly International multilateral Tamil journal)ComFin Research - Shanlax JournalsCompliance Engineering JournalContemporary Issues in Multidisciplinary subjectsDesign EngineeringDesiya KarutharangamDK International Research FoundationDogo Rangsang Research JournalDogo Rangsang Research Journal - UGC Care Group I JournalDogo Rangsang Research Journal UGC Care Group I JournalEducation and Society (UGC Care Journal)Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management ResearchEmpowerment of South Asia through Economic ConsolidationEmpowerment of South Asia through Enonomic ConsolidationEthics and Devotion in Tamil Literature – International ConferenceEur. Chem. Bull. 2023European Journal of Business & Social SciencesEuropean Journal of Business & Social SciencesEuropean Journal of Molecular & Clinical MedicineFINANCE INDIAFourth International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA-2020)Frontiers of Chemical Sciences, 2022GEDRAG & ORGANISATIE REVIEWGlobal Economic Impact of COVID-19High Technology LettersHistory Research JournalHumanities and Social Science StudiesICAR - Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research, Bhimtal, UttarakhandICMSMT-2022-IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and EngineeringICSSRICSSR (Indian Council of Social Science Research)ICSSR Ministry of Education, Newdelhi - Sponsored national seminarICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Women Empowerment through Financial InclusionICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Women’s Employment, Entrepreneurship And EmpowermentICSSR Sponsored National Seminar, NGM CollegeICSSR Sponsored seminarICSSR Sponsored Seminar 19th Oct.2022 | NGM College 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trends in Science and TechnologyInternational Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA)International Conference on AI and B&IInternational Conference on Computing and Intelligence System (ICCIS-2021)International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science and Technology (ETIST 2021)International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science and Technology (ETIST 2021) - NGM CollegeInternational Conference on Topical Drifts in Nanoscience and Green ChemistryInternational Conference, GR Dhamodaran Academy of ManagementInternational Conference, NGM CollegeInternational E-Journal of Tamil NaduInternational Journal Contemporary Architecture” The new ARCH”International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering TechnologyInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)International Journal for Research in Science Engineering & Technology (IJRSET)INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH IN 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IJCSPUBInternational Journal of Data StructuresInternational Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business ContinuityInternational Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE)International Journal of Engineering and TechnologyInternational Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translational Studies (IJELR)International Journal of Future Generation Communication and NetworkingInternational Journal of Future Generation Communication and NetworkingInternational Journal of Health SciencesInternational Journal of Health Sciences IInternational Journal of humanities, Law and Social Sciences Published biannually by New Archaeological & Genological Society Kanpur IndiaInternational Journal of humanities, Law and Social Sciences Published biannually by New Archaeological & Genological SocietyInternational Journal of humanities, Law and Social Sciences Published biannually by New Archaeological & Genological Society, Kanpur IndiaInternational Journal of humanities, Law and Social SciencesInternational Journal of humanities, Law and Social Sciences Published biannually by New Archaeological & Genological SocietyInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication EngineeringInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET)International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and Humanities (IJIRAH)International Journal of Management, Technology And EngineeringInternational Journal of Management, Technology And EngineeringINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research (IJMER)International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME)International Journal of Pure and Applied MathematicsInternational Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies (Multidisciplinary Open Access Refereed e-Journal)International Journal of Recent Research and Applied StudiesInternational Journal of Recent Scientific ResearchInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)International Journal of ResearchInternational Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN COMMERCE & MANAGEMENTINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN COMPUTER APPLICATION & MANAGEMENTINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN COMPUTER APPLICATIONS AND ROBOTICSInternational Journal of Scientific & Technology ResearchInternational Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Dec 2019International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS)International Journal of Scientific Research and Modern Education (IJSRME)International Journal of Scientific Research and Modern Education (IJSRME)International Journal of Scientific Research and ReviewInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management StudiesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION Vol.37, No.3s, 2022 SPECIAL ISSUE ON WORLD OF EDUCATION AND REHABILITATIONInternational Journal of Tamil Language and Literary StudiesInternational Journal of Tamil Language and Literary StudiesInternational Journal of Wireless Network SecurityInternational Journal on “Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering” (IJTPE)International Level Conference Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & CollegeInternational Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Science & TechnologyINTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF TAMILInternational Research Publication HouseInternational SeminarInternational Virtual Conference on Modern Trends in English Language, Literature and Linguistics (ICMTELLL)IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and EngineeringIOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry (IOSR-JBB)IPE Journal of ManagementIRACST – International Journal of Commerce, Business and Management (IJCBM)ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021JAC : A Journal Of Composition TheoryJBiopest 15(1):50-58(2022)Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control SystemsJour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 01-Special Issue, 2019Journal of Classical TamilJOURNAL MATRICS - INDIAN JOURNAL OF FINANCEJournal of Computational and Theoretical NanoscienceJournal of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control SystemsJournal of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control SystemJournal of Advertisement Research in Dynamical & Control SystemsJOURNAL OF ALGEBRAIC STATISTICSJournal of Analysis and Computation (JAC)Journal of Applied and Natural ScienceJournal of Classical TamizhJournal of Classical ThamizhJournal of Commerce & Management ThoughtJournal of Computational and Theoretical NanoscienceJOURNAL OF CRITICAL REVIEWSJournal of Data Acquisition and ProcessingJOURNAL OF EDUCATION: RABINDRA BHARATI UNIVERSITYJOURNAL OF EDUCATION: RABINDRABHARATI UNIVERSITYJournal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)Journal of Engineering, Computing and ArchitectureJournal of Essential Oil Bearing PlantsJournal of Fundamental & Comparative ResearchJournal of Fundamental & Comparitive ResearchJournal of Hazardous Materials AdvancesJournal of Information and Computational ScienceJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle ResearchJOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT & ENTREPRENEURSHIPJOURNAL OF MODERN TAMIL RESEARCHJournal of Modern Thamizh ResearchJournal of Molecular StructureJournal of NanomaterialsJournal of Network SecurityJournal of Pharmaceutical Negative ResultsJournal of Survey in Fisheries SciencesJournal of the Asiatic Society of MumbaiJOURNAL OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF MUMBAI,Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of BarodaJournal of Theoretical and Applied Information TechnologyJournal of ValartamilJournal of Web Engineering & TechnologyJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture & TechnologyJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture & TechnologyJournal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science EditionJournal on Research Trends in Commerce and ManagementJuni Khyat ISSN: 2278-4632 (UGC Care Group I Listed Journal)Kala Sarovar (UGC Care Group-I Journal)Kalanjiam JournalKalanjium - – An International Journal of Tamil studiesKalyan Bharathi (UGC-CARE List Group I)Kanpur Philosophers, UGC Care JournalKanpur UGC CARE JournalKisan world - Journal of Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentLambert Academic PublishingLAP Lambert Academic PublishingLITERARY QUEST – An International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Monthly, Online Journal of English Language and LiteratureMadhya Bharti -Humanities and Social Sciences - UGC Care Group I JournalMadhya Bharti -Humanities and Social Sciences UGC Care Group I JournalMadhya Bharti (मध्य भारती) UGC Care Group I JournalMadhya Bharti UGC Care Group I JournalMaheshwari Publisher-ViruthunagarMarathwada Itihas Parishad -History Research JournalMayas publicationsMeta Research PressModern Tamil ResearchModern Tamil Research (A Quarterly International multilateral Tamil journalModern Thamizh ResearchModern Thamizh Research (A Quarterly International Multilateral Thamizh JournaModern Thamizh Research (A Quarterly International Multilateral Thamizh Journal)Mritha Sanjeevi PublicationsMs. C. Keerthana, Dr.B.AzhagusundariMs. C. Keerthana1, Dr. B. AzhagusundariMukt Shabd JournalNAAC Sponsored NATIONAL LEVEL VIRTUAL SEMINAR, NGMCNAAC sponsored National Virtual seminarNAAC Sponsored SeminarNAAC Sponsored Two Days National SeminarNarrain PublicationsNational Conference - NGM CollegeNational Conference – PSGR Krishnammal CollegeNational Conference cum Workshop, ParamakudiNational Conference on Exploring the Technological Advancements in Business – The Future PerspectiveNational Conference on Innovation & Current Trends in Commerce , Business, Economics & Information TechnologyNational Conference on Scientific Input, Technological Advancement and Women Empowerment for Sustainable DevelopmentNational Conference, Dr.NGP Arts and Science CollegeNational Level ConferenceNational level SeminarNational Level Seminar in Ramakrishna College of Arts and ScienceNational Level Seminar On India Means Business Reform Perform & TransformNational SeminarNational Seminar on NEW VISTAS AND DIMENSIONS IN ELTNational Seminar, GRD Dhamodaran Academy of ManagementNational Seminar, PSGR Krishnammal CollegeNational Seminar, Rathinam College of Arts and ScienceNeuro QuantologyNeuroQuantologyNew Century Book House Pvt. Ltd.,NGM CollegeNGM College LibraryNigiri College of Arts and ScienceNIU International Journal of Human RightsNovel Materials for Harnessing Green Hydrogen for Energy and Environment Applications- A step forward towards National Hydrogen missionnternational Journal of humanities, Law and Social Sciences Published biannually by New Archaeological & Genological SocietyONE DAY VIRTUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON "DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AND SUSTAINABILITY IN BUSINESS"ontology springerORIENTAL JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRYOur HeritagePalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / AgyptologyPalarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/EgyptologyPannaatu Karutharanga Aaiuv Maanaadu 2019Paradox publicationsPerspective of ICT Tools in EducationPJAEEPJAEE-Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/EgyptologyPLANT SCIENCE TODAYPLANT SCIENCE TODAY - HORIZON e-Publishing GroupPlant Science Today, ISSN 2348-1900 (online)Plight of Marginalized Identities in LiteraturePramana Research JournalProc. NAAC Sponsored Two Days National SEMINAR on Strategies & Practices in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Process for Arts & Science Colleges towards NEP-2022 (3rd&4th Nov.2022Proc. NAAC Sponsored Two Days National SEMINAR on Strategies & Practices in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Process for Arts & Science Colleges towards NEP-2022 (3rd&4th Nov.2022)Proceeding of International Conference on Topical Drifts in Nanoscience and Green ChemistryProceedings of the ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Vision for Vishwa Guru India Initiatives for Global Leadership by 2047Proceedings of the ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Vision for Vishwa Guru India: Initiatives for Global Leadership by 2047Proceedings of the Indian Council of Social Science Research Sponsored National SeminarProceedings of the International Virtual Conference on Innovations in Science and Technology (IVCIST-2021)Proceedings of the National Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Application Perspective in IoT (NCIoT'20)Proficient Clustering based Broadcasting for VANET using LEACH and AOMDV ProtocolPuthupunal- UGC Care listed JournalRABINDRA BHARATI JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHYRabindra Bharati University Journal of EconomicsRASAYAN J. Chem.RASAYAN J.Chem.Red Shine PublicationsRESEARCH EXPLORER-A Blind Review & Refereed Quarterly International JournalResearch Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and TechnologyResearch Journal of Chemistry and EnvironmentResearch Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical SciencesRESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of MultidisciplinaryReview of ResearchRoots International Journal of Multidisciplinary ResearchesRural Women Empowerment through EntrepreneurshipSambodhi - UGC Care JournalSambodhi ISSN: 2249-6661 (UGC Care Journal)Sambodhi, (UGC Care Journal)School of Commerce & School of Management Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi.SELLTA – South Asian English Lauguage & Literature Teachers AssociationSELP Journal of Social ScienceSeminar - NGM - BPS DepartmentSeminar - NGM - Commerce DepartmentSeminar - NGM - E-Commerce DepartmentSeminar - Ramakrishna College of Arts and ScienceSeminar - Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & ScienceSeminar at KMG CASSeminar, K.M.G. COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCSeminar, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore.Seminar, NGM CollegeSeminar,NGM CollegeShanlax International Journals of Arts, Science & HumanitiesShanlax Journals - ComFin ResearchShanlax PublicationsShodh sanchar bulletinShodh SaritaShodh Sarita – An international Bilingual Peer Reviewed Refereed Research JournalShodha Prabha (UGC CARE Journal)Shodhak : A Journal of Historical ResearchShodhasamhita : Journal of Fundamental & Comparative ResearchShodhsamhita : Journal of Fundamental & Comparative ResearchSIIMS CONFERENCE PAPERSJCC Management Research ReviewSN Computer ScienceSolid State TechnologySOUTH INDIA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCESSpringerStrad ResearchStudents as Partners : Reflections on a Conceptual Model of Learning, Teaching and CurriculumStudies in Indian Place Names (UGC Care JournalStudies in Indian Place Names (UGC Care Journal)Studies in Indian Place Names (UGC Care Journal)Studies in Indian Place Names UGC Care Listed JournalSuraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary ResearchSustainable Developments through MSMEs: A Pathway to Self-Reliant IndiaTamil Dept, NGM CollegeTamizh Peraivu AyvithalTathapi (UGC Care Journal)Text book, NGM CollegeThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisThe Journal of Indian Art History CongressTHE JOURNAL OF ORIENTAL RESEARCH MADRASTHINK INDIA JOURNALThird International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT)Trends in BiosciencesTuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion TechnologyTurkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics EducationTwo Days National SEMINAR at NGM CollegeUniversal Review Volume VIII, Issue VI, JUNE/2019 ISSN NO : 2277-2723Vichaara - An International Journal of ManagementVidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue)Virtual International Conference - G R Damodaran Academy of ManagementVirtual International Conference 2021, GRD Damodaran Academy of ManagementVirtual International Conference on Multidisciplinary Perspective in Business Management, Social Sciences and Technology - 2022Wesleyan Journal of ResearchWorld Journal of Pharmaceutical ResearchWorld Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical SciencesYuvakshetra PublicationYuvakshetra PublicationsZeichen Journal Contributor Select...Dr. P. Gurusamy & Dr.M. AkilanayakiDr.B.RohiniNiraimathi. & S Vidhu.RP. Kanjana Devi, & Dr. M. Rathamani1.Dr.T.Kiruthika , 2.Dr.R.Vidwakalyani, 3. Dr.B.Indirapriyadharshini, 4.Ms.D.Saranya and 5.Ms.M.RagaPrabhaA Sangeetha Devi & A KalaivaniA. KalaivaniA. Kalaivani & Dr. S. KarpagavalliA. Kanagaraj, S. Sharmila, A. Finny Belwin, A. Linda Sherin & Dr. Antony Selvadoss ThanamaniA. Krishnakumar, D. Saraswathi A. Linda Sherin & , Dr. S. NiraimathiA.Linda Sherin & Dr.NiraimathiA.Sangeetha Devi , A.Kalaivani ,& A.ShanmugapriyaAhila . D & Dr. C. BoopathiAhila.D & Dr.C.BoopathiAzhagusundari. BAzhagusundari.BB. L. Shivakumar and M. RajasenathipathiB. Madhan Kumar & N. BhavadharaniB. Madhan Kumar & S. RubatharanB. Madhan Kumar & S. VisveswaranB. MADHAN KUMAR & T. RAMYAB. Rohini & Dr. S. Benjamin ChristopherB.L. Shivakumar and M. RajasenathipathiC. Keerthana & Dr.B.AzhagusundariC. Radha Priya & Dr. R. GayathriChithirai Selvan M & , Shanmugapriya MD. Umamaheswari & E. KarthikeyanD.Rajasekaran & Dr.M.Chithirai SelvanD.Saraswathi, A.KrishnakumarDr B Merceline Anitha, Dr. V. Meera & Dr. V. SureshkumarDr Krishnakumar A ,Dr. Lokesh P Gagnani, Dr. Pratap Patil,Dr Vijayakumar Thota,Dr.Shaik Saidhbi,Dr Ayaz AhmadDr. A. Sangeetha Devi and Mrs. A. KalaivaniDr. B. THAYUMANAVAR & T.S. KAVITHADr. D. Rajasekaran & Dr. M. Chithirai SelvanDr. D. Rajasekaran and Dr. N. SumathiDr. G. Vignesh & C. PrincyDr. G. Vignesh & D. PavitraDr. G. Vignesh & P. BrunthaDr. J. Samuel Caeser Pickens & M. PremDr. K. Perumal & Dr. S. JagadambalDr. K. Perumal & S. JagadambalDr. M. AkilanayakiDr. M. ChithrakalaDr. M. ChitrakalaDr. M. DeepaDr. M. Deepa & Dr. P. AnithaDr. M. Rathamani & Kanjana DeviDr. M.Akilanayaki and Dr.R.GopiDR. N. BAGYALAKSHMIDr. N. Bagyalakshmi & Dr. S. Benjamin ChristopherDr. N. Bhuvanesh Kumar & A. Mohammed ImranDr. N. Bhuvanesh Kumar & J. Francelin Rose MysticaDr. N. Bhuvanesh Kumar & M. DineshDr. N. Bhuvanesh Kumar & P. SathrukanaDr. N. JayasudhaDr. N. Jayasudha,Dr. N. Sumathy & Dr. D. RajasekaranDr. P. Anitha & V. RubaDr. P. Anitha & Ms.V. RubaDr. P. Bruntha, Ms. T. Manjula, Ms. P. Karthika & Dr. N. GiriDr. P. Gomathi DeviDr. P. Gurusamy & Dr. A. NagalaxmiDr. P. PIRAKATHEESWARI ,Dr. V. MEERA & Dr. P.V. RAJESWARIDr. R. GayathriDr. R. Gayathri & Abinaya .RDr. R. Gayathri & T. Mohana SundariDr. R. JayaprakashDr. R. NandhakumarDr. R. Nandhakumar, & Dr. A. DeviDr. R. Senthilkumar & R. RathikaDr. R. Vidwakalyani, Dr. B. IndiraPriyadharshini & Dr. D. RajasekaranDr. R. VishnupriyaDr. S. JagadambalDr. S. Poornimadevi & Dr. P. GurusamyDr. S. Shanmugapriya & S. PratheepaDr. T. GeethanjaliDr. T. ParameshwariDr. T. Vijaya ChithraDr. T.S. KAVITHADr. T.Vijaya ChithraDr. T.VIJAYA CHITHRA & Dr. S. KOTHAIDr. V. SureshkumarDr.A. Shanthi and Dr.D. PadmaDR.A.krishnakumar,M.SenthilkumarDr.B.Azhagusundari,C. KeerthanaDr.B.Indirapriyadharshini, R.Ramya, A.Gomathi & N.GiriDr.B.L.SHIVAKUMAR, & M.RAJASENATHIPATHIDr.B.RohiniDr.B.Thayumanavar & T.S.Kavitha,Dr.D.Padma & Dr.A.ShanthiDr.D.Padma & Dr.C.KothaiAndalDr.D.Padma & Dr.T.MAHESWARIDr.E.Ramadevi & K. BrundhaDr.K.S.Kavitha &M.NirmalaDr.K.Veerakumar & Ms.T. Mohana SundariDr.M. RajasenathipathiDr.M.V.SATHIYA BAMA & S.MEGALADr.M.V.SathiyabamaDr.M.V.SATHIYABAMA, Mrs.S.MEGALA & Ms.P.SHINEYDr.N.BAGYALAKSHMI & T.LAVANYADr.N.Bagyalakshmi, Ms.J.Suganya,Dr.N.GIRIDr.N.PONSABARIRAJDr.P.Gomathi Devi,Dr.R.GayathriDr.R.Venkatesh & Dr.V.SureshkumarDr.S.Niraimathi & Mrs.R.VidhuDr.S.Niraimathi & Ramaraj.MDr.S.Shanmugapriya & S.PratheepaDr.T.S. KAVITHADr.V.MeeraDr.V.Suganthi, Dr.M.V.Sathiyabama & Ms.P.ShineyDr.V.Sureshkumar & Prof. K. MuthukumarF. Fawzia Khan*1, Dr.K.Thilagam2G.RAVEENA & M. SHANMUGAPRIYAGayathri Karthikeyan & M. DhavapriyaJ. Gladju & Dr. A. KanagarajJ. Gladjua , Biju Sam Kamalamb, , A. KanagarajJayaprakash RK. Lakshmi1 , S.Manju Priya2 A.Jeevarathinam3 K.Rama4 , K. ThilagamK. RAMA , K. THILAGAM, MANJU PRIYA .S, A.JEEVARATHINAM & K .LAKSHMIK. Thilagam S. KarthikeyanK. Thilagam & S. KarthikeyanK. Vani & N. BagyalakshmiM. Dhavapriya, N. YasodhaM. Nirmala & Dr. M. Chithirai SelvanM. Prem & S. Raj KumarM. Prem & S. SowmiyaM. Sai Harshini & Dr.N.PonsabarirajM. Shanmuga Priya & Dr. P. AnithaM. SHANMUGAPRIYA & Dr. M. CHITHIRAI SELVANM. SHANMUGAPRIYA &G.RAVEENAM.Dhavapriya & Dr. V. AnurathaM.MeenaKrithika, E.RamadeviM.Nirmala & D.KavyaM.Nirmala & Dr.K.S.KavithaMariammal.PMr. P. Dhanagopalan & Dr M. SangeethaMr.N.GIRI & Dr.S.BALUSAMYMrs. M .Meena Krithika & Dr. E. RamadeviMrs. M .Meena Krithika & Dr. E. RamadeviMrs. M .Meena Krithika, & Dr. E. RamadeviMrs. M .Meena Krithika, Dr. E. RamadeviMs. Ahila. D & Dr. N. BagyalakshmiMs. Ahila. D & Dr. N. BagyalakshmiMs. C. Keerthana & Dr.B.AzhagusundariMs. C. Keerthana & Dr. B. AzhagusundariMs. C. Keerthana, Dr. B. AzhagusundariMs. C. Keerthana, Dr.B.AzhagusundariMs. G. Nithya Dr. K. ChelladuraiMs. P. MariammalMs. P.A. FranciaMs. R. SudhaMs. S. MaheswariMs. T. SumithraMs. U. Ponmani & Dr. M. V. SathiyabamaMs.G.Nithya & Dr.K.ChelladuraiMs.K.S.Leelavathi & Dr.M.RajasenathipathiMs.K.S.Leelavathi & Dr.M.Rajasenathipathi,Ms.P.SHINEY, Dr.M.V.SATHIYA BAMA & Ms.S.MEGALAMs.S.KALEESWARI & Dr.A.VANIMs.S.KALEESWARI & Dr.A.VANIMs.S.MaheswariNGM College LibraryP. CHELLASAMY & N. PONSABARIRAJP. DhanagopalanP. Gomathi Devi & Dr. P. RangarajanP. Gomathi Devi & Dr. P. RengarajanP. Gomathidevi & Dr. P. RangarajanP. Kanjana Devi & Dr. RathamaniP. Kanjana Devi, & Dr. M. RathamaniP. MariammalP. Veerasithi Vinayagan, Dr.K.Perumal & Dr.L.RanjitP.Jayapriya & , S.HemalathaP.Jayapriya & S.HemalathaP.Jayapriya & Dr.S.HemalathaP.Jayapriya, Dr. S.HemalathaP.MARIAMMALP.Veerasithi VinayaganP.Veerasithi Vinayagan , Dr.K.Perumal & Dr.L.RanjitProf. R. SuryaR. Deepa & Dr. R ManickaChezianR. Deepa & Dr. R Manicka ChezianR. Deepa and Dr. R Manicka ChezianR. Deepa. Dr. R Manicka ChezianR. Jayaprakash and B. RadhaR. Jayaprakash and Radha BalasubramanianR. Nandhakumar & K. MathanprasathR. Shiddharthy & Dr. R. GunavathiR. Shiddharthy, Dr. R. GunavathiR. Shiddharthya , Dr R. GunavathiR. Shiddharthya , Dr R. GunavathiR.Nandhakumar, Antony Selvadoss ThanamaniR.SENTHILKUMARRamaraj M and S NiraimathiS. Kaleeswari & Dr. A. VaniS. MaheshwariS. Maheshwari & Dr. SanthiS. S. ShanthiS. Senthil Kumar1 · S. Arockia Panimalar2 · A. Krishnakumar3 · M. PrakashS.KaleeswariS.LAKSHMANAPRAKASH & , Mrs.M.RATHAMANIS.MEGALA & Dr.M.V.SATHIYA BAMAS.Sathiyapriya & , A.KanagarajS.Sharmila & Dr Antony Selvadoss ThanamaniS.Thennammai & Dr. A. KanagarajSharmila S. Kanagaraj A.,Finny Belwin A., Linda Sherin A. ,Antony Selvadoss ThanamaniSharmila S., Kanagaraj A. , Finny Belwin A., Linda Sherin A. ,Antony Selvadoss Thanamani5Shiddharthy R and Gunavathi RSnr. Prof. Dr. K. Perumal & Dr. S. JagadambalT Gokulapriya & S SharmilaT. Mohana Sundari & Dr. R. GayathriT. S. Kavitha & Dr. B. ThayumanavarT. Vijaya Chithra & Dr. S. KothaiT.MohanaPriya & Ms.S.S.ShanthiUmamaheswari. D & Dr. E. KarthikeyanUmamaheswari.D & Dr.E.KarthikeyanUmamaheswari.D and Dr.E.KarthikeyanV.Kalaiselvi & R.ShiddharthyV.Sureshkumar & Dr.B.Thayumanavar